Greetings Blog Stalkers!
I don't know about you all, but I could do with a little less wind these days! Holy Smokes!
I've just finished writing/addressing invitations to my niece (and Goddaughter) baby shower, which I am hosting (along with her other Godmother) in November - which is just around the corner. I cannot wait to see her! She'll be home for a bit around Thanksgiving then I may not see her again until after the baby is born in January. I'm uber excited to welcome baby LarBeck in to our family!
Speaking of family, we had our annual Schulz Oktoberfest last weekend. The usual suspects showed up and once again, life was busy for those that could not make it yet again this year: Randy, Dennis. Michael, Joan, Karen and Wendi. I understand completely how life can be, but every year I hope that those who can make it, make it.
What's been going on with me since the last post?
Well, let's see.....
1) Work has been busy due to the fact that a co-worker has been ill and in the hospital quite a bit since the end of September. I hope and pray that she is able to kick whatever is wrong with her (Doctor's aren't quite sure yet). In the meanwhile, it's double duty for me and my other office co-worker. In one respect it's good as it makes the days fly by quickly. In other respects, it adds another layer of work on top of an already full workload. I'll survive and will gladly handle the added work. I just want MM to get better.
2) T is still dealing with his brother who is in the hospital - ICU - and has been since Sept. 12th. He's still on a trachea and cannot seem to understand that the only thing keeping him on the trachea is himself. He gets agitated and disgruntled and wants to pull the thing out, his hearbeat rises, his bp rises and his ventilation goes through the roof. Then they sedate him with this one drug that knocks him out....and then he's back to square one. Stubborn!! (I have a stronger word to use but out of respect for the ill, I wont use it here.). This, of course, is putting great stress on T. (I believe I said that in earlier posts). I am an in-law and try to keep my opinions to myself, but its difficult when I see the stress that it puts on T.
3) I am looking at making some changes to my yoga classes. I've been doing the same thing for 10-11 years now and it's time to shake things up. I can't and won't say that I'm going to stop teaching yoga - but I will say that I am in need of a change as much for myself as for others. Two of my students have gone on to become yoga teachers. I'm so proud of them and all that they have become. They are truly amazing women....and I'm glad that I've had a part in sparking their yoga journey. So, if you're one of my students reading this...stay tuned. Details to come later. ;)
4) I've kicked it up in the gym. Boy, have I kicked it up! My trainer has me on the AF app that allows him to tap in to food diary, send me 3 personalized workouts a week as well as 3-5 motivational texts. It's an awesome way for him to ride my ass. LOL All is good until he checks my food diary....oh boy! On Thursday nights, after I finish training with him, I stay for the H.I.I.T and the Total Core classes. Love them! With winter coming up and the being driver for Blaine, I don't know how much longer I can attend them, but for now I'm enjoying them.
5) I'm doing good. I still have issues with anxiety and letting my head (thoughts) get away from me from time to time. But I believe that I've found healthy, constructive ways to deal with things....first and foremost being physical activity. I have a wonderful group of friends who help to keep me focused and grounded. I am not as worried about the winter S.A.D (Seasonal Affecttive Disorder) either as I have a plan for that too. Snowshoeing! I've come to realize it's not the lack of sunlight so much as the freedom of being outside. In the summer , I'm outside as much as possible....winter, not so much. So this year, that is going to change - at least that is the plan for now. That all might change when I get out there and do the actual snowshoeing! LOL Blaine, the Special Olympics Snowshoeing medalist, has even agreed to help me. (Hopefully he won't laugh too much!)
6) Politics. Anyone that knows me, knows that I don't talk much about politics or religion. They're two subjects that I keep opinions to myself as I don't want to alienate anyone. I'm even hesitant to write my opinions on my blog. But what I will say is this.....this country is headed down a slippery slope and now more than ever, the people need to rise up and take control. And if President Trump leads us in to war with N. Korea.....God Help Us!
7) Friends. A alluded to friends earlier in #5. I can't say enough about them. Some I see often, some I see infrequently, but all are in my heart. I don't know what I'd do without them...nor do I want to find out. As one said to me last week, "together we can get through anything, as long as we have each other." Yes, Yes We Can!!!
8) In just a few short weeks, it'll mark the 1st year anniversary of my sister-in-law's (Pearl) passing. My brother is living life, but he misses her tremendously. Our Schulz Oktoberfest just wasn't the same without her. And it was a stark reminder on how fast things can turn around in life. All the more reason to live life large!
Well, so much for a just a quick post. ;) It's fall/ I'll have more time to sit down and think about things to write about and actually have time to write. Who knows what my mind will come up with.
Until next time....