
Well blog stalkers......I'm well on my way to my 400 miles by October 1st.   I logged 36 miles in one week.  If I can keep that up, I'll hit my goal before October.

I did have one little mishap Thursday evening.  I was at an intersection waiting for oncoming traffic.  The pickup truck had his turn signal on to turn my direction, so I got up on my pedals to start across...and the pickup kept coming.   I had to do a hard stop (brakes and slam down foot to stop) in order to not get hit as he passed me - narrowly missing me.   I was seriously lucky that I wasn't run over. 

However I, unfortunately, did the hard stop with my left leg - my bad leg.  I'm feeling twinges in the outside of the knee - especially when I bend the knee.  I probably didn't do it any favors when I rode 10 miles yesterday.  So, I'll back off of riding until this weekend, which will be okay.


Rob said…
If a vehicle intends to turn in your direction, and even though rightly you have the right of way, always hesitate and give them the benefit of doubt cuz they're bigger than your bike is and you never know if the old fart or young kid, or whomever (whichever the case) behind the wheel is day dreaming or on something and not paying proper attention to safe driving. Having lived for years in Montreal and as well in Toronto, I speak from rough experience. Too many village idiot drivers out there on the road. So take it easy and don't overtax that left leg of yours. So stay alert and stay safe.
Sherry said…
Thank you Rob. I definitely will be taking an extra "pause" and be more alert. That one scared me. :(
Rob said…
I can relate Sherry - been there, done that myself - as both a pedestrian/biker (where a distracted driver nearly got me) and as a driver (where a distracted - and clueless - pedestrian decided to jay walk in front of me with no warning from between parked cars). In all instances everybody survived - but just barely.

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