What to Write About
I really don't know what to write about today. Nothing spectacular or out of the ordinary has happened to me recently. Life has been pretty mundane and, dare I say, boring of late - which may not entirely be a bad thing, I guess. The alternative is chaos and drama, right?
So, I guess I'll write about the ordinary and mundane.
Last week was Mother's Day. It was a quiet day as 1) my mother and mother-in-law are not alive and 2) I'm not a mother. I didn't do anything to speak of , laundry I suppose. I did go for a 10 mile bike ride in the morning. It was the only time that I got out last week. In honesty, I haven't gotten out at all this week due to the weather. My mileage count for May is 36 miles now. I believe my goal is a hefty 80 miles per month (5 months). Which means I had better get moving!
T.S. Eliot says, "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.". We shall see, shan't we?
Oh! I got a new phone yesterday. I am the proud owner of the Samsung 8+. I love it, so far. A little bigger than I anticipated, but I can live with that. (It'll be easier to find in my purse, otherwise known as the black hole!). The screen and color are so vivid! The only complaint this far is that auto-correct has a definite mind of it's own. I've come up with some interesting phrases and words in the last 24 hours.
I'm learning how to use Snap Chat. I'm now officially represented in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snap Chat. My poor friends and family are going to get tired of me sending them stuff. Don't worry Joan and Karen - the newness will fade in a month or so and I'll fall in to social media oblivion. :)
Speaking of Karen - she graduated from Law School today! Her scholastic journey has ended and now it's on to the working world. (But first she has to pass her bar exams) . I am so proud of both her and Joan. They've set the bar high for themselves and have met - if not exceeded their goals. The sky is the limit for them and I'm so glad that they've let me be a part of their journeys. While I couldn't be with Karen today, I will be able to give her an extra big hug on June 3rd when her mother hosts a small gathering of family and friends in her honor.
I bought flowers today. Supposedly you plant the things in the ground or pots and they grow. This is new territory for me. I kill cactus. But, in the interest of having some sort of curb appeal, I decided that I shall enter in this whole gardening thing with zest and make things colorful. I even painted pots and old wooden chairs in an effort to spruce things up. I, unfortunately, am not a painter either.
It was one year ago yesterday that we moved in to town. Although I miss the quiet and solitude of the country, I have grown accustomed to the convenience of city life. As some one pointed out to me, I can always take my bike and go visit the country. The house is slowly becoming "less Ella's" and more "me". I have yet to put anything up on the walls. It's a bit stark looking. I can't decide what I want to put up or if I like the minimalist look.
Well, I'm done importing music in to Itunes (I'm multitasking) so better get to making supper.
Peace Out, blog stalkers!