It's Been Awhile
I've been doing better with moods and anxiety. I've tried hard to not get wound up in thoughts and worries about things, events or people I have no control over. It's taken a LOT of self talk, deep breathing and exercise to get me there.
Then...BAM!..I have a day like today.
Totally threw me for a loop. I felt like I was derailing in slow motion...powerless to stop the downward spiral. I can't tell you what started the whole thing, but a conversation I was having didn't help matters.
I had to walk away. I had to breathe and let go...but it wasn't working. I actually sat in my space and teared up. I threw on some oils, which did help for a least until I could get to the gym.
Nick (trainer) saw it immediately. He's seen it before. He didn't give me time to think.....all I did was sweat. It always does. Until I'm alone with my thoughts again.
I just took a hot bath...and I'll hit the bed in a few minutes. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.