Today was a good day. I taught two yoga classes and hit the tanning bed for some artificial sunlight.
My mood has been up and down lately. To be honest, more down than up. It's the critical time of winter when my S.A.D rears it's ugly head. A good friend pointed out my mood and said "don't spiral down so know what you need to do.".
They are right. Winter takes me down. Last winter it took me down hard...the year before that, even worse.
What I've come to realize is I have a host of tools in my tool chest to help me conquer the winter blues.
I have yoga and the gym. No matter how bad the blues get, if I can get on my yoga mat or hit the gym, the blues are held at bay....if only for a while.
Tanning...while not great for skin (wrinkles) or skin health (cancer), the artificial sunlight does help with my mood. Sometimes you have to weigh the good with the bad.
Stress and worry. I'm a classic Virgo...I overthink the shit out of everything and everyone. I HAVE to let sanity depends on it.
I'm an empath with a big heart...a double wammy. I have a heart buddy who has helped me tremendously to know and honor this side of me. I've learned...rather, I'm learning to guard my heart and soul from the hardships others are fighting. There is a difference between feeling what they are going through and taking their problems on as my own.
Answers. It's OK not to have them, and not be able to FIX everything. It's OK.. winter progresses..I believe I've got a handle on it.
(But I'm still counting down to Spring!)
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