Tuesday 1-24-17

I think I'm on the mend.  I cancelled my yoga classes early on in the day yesterday.   I went to work when, in reality,  I should have taken another day off.  But, the dang work ethics won out and I went anyways. 

There was no way I could've taught a class last night, let alone two.  My body and mind weren't up to it.

I went home, put on jammies and headed for the couch, where I stayed until going to bed at 830.  Other than waking up once, I slept until 6am.

I am better than I was yesterday,  so I'm headed in the right direction.  The trick is to keep me headed in that direction.

I am going to the gym tonight but I'm not going to kill myself or let Nick kill me either.  I'll be done by 630ish....pick Blaine up from work and take him home...thanks home to eat, bathe and head to bed early.

I'm honoring my body...steady, slow.  I want to stop being sick.  It's not fun and definitely messing with my MOJO.


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