Thursday, October 5, 2017

So What's New?

I haven't written in quite a while, but that's OK...I've been living life.  :)

So what's new? 

Well, I turned 55 on September 9th.  On that day, I was traveling back from a trip to Nashville.  What an amazing time that was.   I managed to do some sightseeing, ate some wonderful food, attended the Grand Ol Opry (center stage, row 2!) and fell in love with Tennessee Teas!  (Yes, I got the recipe and will be trying them out!).   I met my friend, Rick and his wife Dara, for brunch and drinks.  That was perhaps the highlight of the trip....catching up with a good friend.  Of course, traveling with Georgia was a riot.  She always has me in stitches!  

Just this last weekend I, along with 3 other friends, spent the weekend at The Palmer House is Sauk Center, MN.  Oh my gosh!  What fun that was.  There was a group of about 15 of us - all either working at JRCC or affiliated with someone who works there.   We all experienced some sort of paranormal activity at one time or another.  It was an experience and one that I won't soon forget.   In fact, I'm looking forward to a repeat trip - if one is planned.  I'm not a ghost hunter, by any means, but I did enjoy the time away with friends.  

To say that I've fallen short of my 400 mile goal is an understatement.  I managed 200 miles prior to leaving for Nashville - and I haven't been on my bike since.  I'm disappointed, but I also know that it is  what it is.  I'll still get out few more times before the snow flies, hopefully.  Although I love summertime riding, fall is actually the best time.   Next year, I'll set another goal, and I will hit that one!

I've enjoyed my summer too much and it's showing on the scale.  I'm bumping up against that 5 lb weight gain.  I refuse to gain more.  So, I'm stepping up my gain in the gym.  I'm training hard with Nick and have started taking some additional classes at AF - HIIT and Total Core.   I've also started logging my food in MyFitnessPal and watching my macro nutrients.   It's all a process, but I'm determined to be a healthy 55 year old!  

On the home front, we're dealing with a bit of stress.  T's brother was hospitalized in ICU in Fargo three weeks ago.  He's been on a ventilator.  Without going on through all the sordid details, I'll just say that his hospitalization has put T in a bit of a tizzy.  My sister-in-law, whom I met for the first time 3 weeks ago, is a wonderful lady.  Wayne's daughter is here from Kentucky now, visiting her father.  I'm sure she's concerned for her father in her own special way.  They've had a very limited relationship throughout the years.  

So, I'm just hanging out, living each day as it life, being healthier, more focused and ..being me....or the best me I can be.  

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 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...