
I had the opportunity to have a psychic medium do a reading on me last night.   Actually, it was a small intimate gallery reading with 9 other individuals; I knew most of them.  The organizer of the event wanted to keep it small and intimate so that everyone was guaranteed a reading.

The medium, Dean, introduced himself and explained a little about how he became or acknowledged that he had this gift.   He stated that he usually starts with a presence that is making itself known to him and whomever (in the gallery) validates the presence is the beginning of the gallery reading and he'll go around the room.  He also stated that when he reads others in the room, some things said to them may resonate with us - if we are meant to hear them. 

He had written down a few notes on his tablet and stated he'd start with the first one, which was a man in his mid  70's, a butcher or someone who cut up meat, worked with knives in a kitchen - and did anyone know of or could validate this presence.

I knew immediately that it was my dad.  I spoke up said yes, that's my father.  

Dean then came to stand in front of me to begin my reading.   He asked if dad worked in a meat market or butcher shop.   I replied no, dad was a farmer but used to butcher every fall in our "garage kitchen".   Dean smiled. 

He then went on to ask if dad liked candy ....he's making an odd smacking of the lips or clicking sound....did he like licorice? loved black licorice.    Dean smiled.

He  then asked if I was a nurse or caregiver, or executor of some kind.   I replied no.

Dean went on to ask if I saw Eagles a lot.  I replied no.   He said, "you father is manifesting himself as an Eagle...perhaps you are unaware, but pay attention when you see one.  In fact, his presence tonight isn't much of a surprise to you is it, because you feel him.  It's almost as if you ask 'do you need anything dad' when you get up to go the kitchen.  

I teared up on that one, I could only nod my head

Dean went on to say that the Archangel Michael was also present and a bright blue light was around me.   

He  then gave me my message from Dad; "Your dad is patting you on the head, telling you that you are doing good  as caretaker and he is proud of you,  You are there for a reason."  

He went on to explain in an analogy " when everyone leaves, you are left to pick up the tab or the pieces;  when the check comes to the table, everyone leaves and leaves it to you to take care of."   Do you understand?   

He said more, but all trying to process it all I'm afraid I didn't quite catch it.  

He left me and went on to the next person.   During one of the other readings, he stated that he saw a man in a flannel or plaid shirt, who liked sardines or oysters in a can and ate then with saltine crackers.   The person getting the reading didn't validate the presence, but I knew that was my father and that there was another message for me to hear. 

I've been thinking about the message and all it means or could mean to me.  I wished that I had stayed longer and asked questions of him.    

But for now, I'm smiling because my dad sent me a message. 


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