The mind is a fickle thing. It controls so much of us....thought processes, body, personality, mood, behavior.
There is an entire show on the Discovery Channel called Mind Games. It's rather interesting yet frightening.
The basis is about what we (our minds) actually see and what we perceive.
A car accident is witnessed by 3 people. When interviewed separately, they each gave a different "eyewitness " report on what happened.
How often have you heard something or seen something, and you immediately draw a conclusion based off of what you have just seen (or heard)? Your mind, perception, steps in and a belief is formed.
We, as humans, are quick to judge based off of our perception of reality. The judgement comes from the innate need to be right.
It's quite sad when people's lives, reputations and careers are affected by perception, and ultimately....judgement.
Not all perceptions are real and true. Think about that the next time you come to a conclusion/judgement about an event, a person, a situation.
In most cases, when a perception is challenged through dialog or communication.....the reality is revealed through clarification.
In short....communicate, don't jump to a conclusion based off your perception of the truth, and don't judge based off of your misguided perception of someone else's reality.
Man, is that so true as everyday we see examples of miscommunication - at all levels of society: home, city, state, national, international. It's an epidemic human failing that's been around since the dawn of creation with no easy pat answers to resolve the problem other than for each of us to just keep trying to do better.