
Showing posts from 2020

Interesting Weekend

Well this wasnt exactly how I wanted to spend my weekend.   I had a nasty episode involving 1)kidney stones 2) kidney infection and 3) sepsis.   Its the same thing than put me in the hosputal in May 2019 and it did again Friday.  So here I am, in my loungewear (that I wore to the ER), waiting for hubs to drive 100 miles to pick me up.   Am I feeling better?  Compared to Friday,  yes.  Well enough to go home?  Well yes..and no.  They just removed the catheter and I'm feeling some abdominal pain but it's tolerable.   My R flank hurts when I cough.  So, I guess...don't cough?  🙂 I will need to have the stint and stones removed in a few weeks.  At that time, they'll go in and get the one stone higher in the kidney so this doesn't happen a third time!   On top of that, coming off Covid quarantine.   Oh, the joys of getting older!  

A goodie from 2017

Lunchtime Musings of a Working Superwoman: 1) Patience, Tolerance and Understanding are three gifts we can - and should-give each other for the Holiday season 2) lack of sleep seems to be my theme this week 3) the Universe gave me a big ole sign this morning, now to have courage to act 4) no matter how much I think I'm in control of things, the Universe says otherwise 5) there is always room for improvement 6) if you think you're perfect, guess again 7) life isnt fair, never will be -do the best you can and worry about yourself and whats important to you.  8)sometimes, the joy in life truely IS in the small things 9) my lottery tickets didnt win last night 10) wishing friends and family (near and far) a splendid day!  Don't take any wooden nickels,  smile, schmooze if you need to, but always, always be Kind!

December - 2020

I've been missing in action since Thanksgiving.   Covid got me, unfortunately.  The prison has mandatory testing for staff and inmates every Monday.   I tested on Monday the 30th and received my results on Tuesday the 1st at about 8:30 pm - when my supervisor called me.   I actually argued with her when she told me; I was feeling absolutely zero symptoms.  Who knows where  I   even picked it up; I've been uber careful wearing PPE, washing hands, socially distancing.  Guess it doesn't matter now, does it.   I started my 10 day quarantine and was feeling great - until Wednesday evening. Holy smokes!    The symptoms hit me like a Mack truck! Snuffy nose, intense headache, body aches and extreme fatigue! I did telecommute Thursday and Friday (1/2 day), but quite honestly, I was not  burning up the keyboard with productivity.  This weekend has been hot fluids, couch, and Netflix movies.(Side note, you must ...

Thanksgiving Musings

Lunchtime musings of a working superwoman: #1: The best place to see people (you haven't seen in awhile) is in the grocery store or liquor store right before a holiday #2: when talking about a holiday feast, everyone has that One dish they look forward to having. #3: prepare for the feast the night before -rummage through your dressers for the stretchy pants #4: remember, wine is meant to compliment the meal, not BE the meal #5: If you don't get along with family, forget #4! #6: eat wisely, go for the pumpkin pie first! #7: to keep your guests in good spirits, steer clear of politics and religion at the dinner table #8: if #7 fails, fall back on #5! #9 find time to exercise after the meal....exercise your right to a nap #10 remember to give Thanks, for family, friends, the gift of health and life, the abundance in which we live, and to always pray for those who may be experiencing hardships in their life and not be as fortunate as yourself.  Happy Thanksgiving to All

Freaky Friday - the 13th

 Here it is, 5:10 pm on Friday the 13th and I've come through the work day relatively unscathed.   Although there was that one phone call to an inmate's wife that could be technically classified as a smackdown, but I think she'll live.  Hehehehe It's been a funky energy kind of week and I'm not sure how to feel about it; I'm still processing it in my mind.   I was meditating last week after a particularly exhausting workout at the gym.  I was totally in my Zen zone.  It's so amazing to me the things that pop in and out of my mind when I clear my headspace.   A recurring theme was: Love, Loyalty and Trust...and memories of my Mom and Dad (always heartwarming and reassuring!)  I am a very trusting individual.  I take people at their word until I have reason not to.  I'm not one to be paranoid or lose sleep over peoples alternative motives.  I have a strong circle of friends that I rely on, and can always trust to be str...


Disclaimer:  I'm angry and this is my avenue to vent.  If you have opposing views, I'll listen to them, but I will NOT debate them - not on my  platform.   So if you're looking for a fight, you will not find one here.   My empathic mind and heart is on overload this morning.    It's a good thing I'll be headed to teach yoga in a little bit.   The rest of the day is going to be spent in solitude listing to music, exercising, cleaning and reading.    I'm going on a social media detox for the net 24 hours because I cannot take in much more of the craziness.  The presidency campaign and election has brought out so much hate and anger - friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor, family against neighbor - it's been so sad to witness.  I've wrote about it before, there seems to be no tolerance for anyone who has opposing views.  There is no healthy discussion on topics; the easy route is to impose your opi...


Lunchtime Musings of a Working Superwoman: #1 Im eating carbs for lunch.  Go ahead...judge me. #2 My feet grew.  I used to be a 7, now am a 7.5.  How does this happen. #3 I like watching people walk; people walk funny. #4 Communication is a two-way street.  Mind reading is not a superpower and crystal balls don't work. #5 People!  Spaces in front of fire hydrants are NOT parking spaces. #6 I've gone an entire day and havent listened to a Journey song #7 People don't belly laugh very much anymore #8  Three words to research: Tolerance, Compassion and Respect #9 My first day back in the gym is gonna suck big time #10 If my life could be summed up in a song, the title would be: Through It All, She Smiles. 😉

Don't Ask

Lunchtime observation of a working superwoman: When someone asks you "what's on your mind?", remember #1 that what's on your mind shouldn't always come out the mouth, #2 the potential for it being a trick question is a possibility #3 when in doubt, less is always more #4 consider the source and the need to know #5 answering a question with a question is always a good play #6 if alcohol is involved, refer to #1, #7 baffle them with lots of big words and bs, they'll never ask you again, #8 start a rumor about yourself, that'll be entertaining in the long run #9 be nice, be kind, be quiet #10 smile and wink...let them guess.

Just another Wednesday

 I telecommuted from home today; my telecommuting schedule is Wednesdays and Fridays.  I can handle that; I load up the front end of my week "in office" and prepare for my "home" days.   Most days are fairly easy as I have a list of things that I need to accomplish at home in order to make my in office  days more smooth. Today was just another Wednesday.   Except, it wasn't.   Today was the first day this world did not have Eddie Van Halen in it.    How flippin sad that one of the worlds premiere guitarists left this realm.   We all know that Journey is my band of choice.  But let's get real here folks.....Eddie Van Halen?   He was  the ultimate Guitar Hero!!   Not to mention that every female in the 16-18 yr old range (in the late 70's, early 80's)  had a mad crush on the brunette, button nosed, dimpled rock legend!    (Men, don't even bother trying to understand that last stateme...

Another Musings

Sometimes I'm so witty I crack myself up! Lol.  My friends all tell me I need to preserve my Facebook Musings of a Working Superwoman and write a book.  So as these pop up in my Facebook memories, I'm copying and pasting here.   On this one, obviously it was a Friday and my mind was NOT on work!  Lol Lunchtime musings of a Working Superwoman on a Friday:1)as the week goes on, my filter disappears  2) my ability to plan every nanosecond of my weekend kicks in to high gear on Fridays 3) everyone is pretty agreeable to most anything because no one wants to deal with a crabby ass on Fridays 4) pretty much assured my stellar work ethics will be toast by 3pm 5) I wonder if I have enough wine on hand 6) and cheese...can't forget cheese.   Wine without cheese is 7) can't believe I just said wine is "just wine" 8) to my trainers, no worries..I have three workouts scheduled.  9) I'm already making winter (comfort) food recipes 10) wouldnt ...

Welcome to the Shit Show!

 I'm trying not to breaking one of my hard and fast rules - do not  talk politics or religion .  But for the love of all things holy, I cannot not   comment on the total shit show of last nights presidential debate.     America, we're screwed!     I want the chance to write in a candidate.  I think anyone would be a better option than the two we have right now.  UGGGHHHH!   I'm soooooo tired of the bickering . right vs. left.  I'm tired of the media, I'm tired of black lives matter (ALL LIVES MATTER, shit heads!), cop kiilings, riots and the disrespect and downright hatred  of the flag, of our Country!   I'm scared for everyone concerned.  I feel  the anger, the despair, the lack of consideration and respect - not only for the country -but for humanity .   I heard Savanna Guthrie , NBC Today Show, say that Social Media was the cesspool of society."   I couldn't have said it bet...

Lunchtime Musings 09/28/2020

Lunchtime musings of a working superwoman: 1) everyone is in too much of a hurry 2) my lunch wasn't that appetizing 3)  I like Thursdays 4) be passionate about something, but dont assume that everyone is passionate about Your passion 5) that said, health of mind and body is my passion! 😎 6) I cant wait to get spooky! 7) have I mentioned I love Journey? And Yoga? And....🤣 8) R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  give it, receive it! 9) my one postive thing about me that I like today is eyes. 10) Smile, its the positive thing I like about YOU 😉


Have you ever been presented with a set of circumstances...a conversation or a sight...that makes you go "hmmmm".  AND then the mind is off and running? A 100 different scenarios or speculations as to what you heard or saw could mean? I'm the queen bee of letting myself get "inside my head".  I can spin a whole conversation in my head...speculate...and come up with generally a doomsday outlook.  I work myself in to an anxiety attack the size of Texas.  WHY?  Why do I do that to myself.  When all I need to do is have an honest, open conversation about what I heard/saw.  Surely I can't be alone in this tendency to downward spiral. Am I? Is it human nature to immediately go to the dark side?  Is communication sooo scary that we'd rather slide in to darkness than to talk? To say I had the mother of anxiety attacks this weekend would be an understatement.   I worked through it the best I could with the help of a trusted friend, yo...

Message to My Friend!

You know who you are.  Yes, you...the one struggling through life right now.  You've been so strong for everyone else for too long.   Now it's time to lean on others for a while.   Let me carry your burdens.   Let me be there to walk with you through the darkness just as I have done through the light. Let me be your strength when you feel weak. Let me be the calm in your storm. Let me be there to remind you...that through all things...I will never leave your side.

Musings of a Working Superwoman

Lunchtime musings of a working superwoman #1 when in doubt, call in sick.  Otherwise you spend all day thinking about how you shouldve called in sick. #2 there is a fine line between being sick, feeling sick and not sick enough (when determining #1). #3 when you're gone from being sick, fellow employees or supervisors want the details so They can determine just how sick They think you are/were (the ole "I wouldnt have called in sick for that!" judgement. #4 work ethics plays a huge part of #1...."I wasn't 'sick enough to go/stay home'.  #5 please, and for the love of God...if you're shitting, puking, have body aches, coughing or have a fever...GO HOME!'re 'sick enough' in my book...screw the work ethics! #6 Ever heard of Kleenex and hand sanitizers? #7 some ailments cant be seen....but pain can be felt in the body/mind.  Just because you're not shitting, puking, don't have body aches, a fever and you're not d...

2018 Post-Vacation Thoughts

I've spared you all with daily vacation thought I'd give your newsfeed a little update of Vacation Observations of a Working Superwoman, Day 7.  1) I have accomplished absolutely nothing on my To-Do list. 2) I really don't care.  3) Don't go grocery shopping at 10 am in the morning and expect to get in/out fast...those retired people have their own timeline as they block aisles. 4) Im kinda digging wearing stretchy pants for a week.  5) wearing real clothes next week is gonna suck 6) I havent watched Bold and the Beautiful for like 25 years...but yesterday I tuned in over lunch and was pleased to know that Brooke and Ridge are STILL stupid. 7)           why does September feel like New Years and I feel the need to make new resolutions or goals?  8) Nothing says accomplishment like cleaning the food trap on the dishwasher 9) Two things about eating sweetcorn...have toothpics handy and stay close to a bathroom 10) As much ...

Pre-Labor Day Thoughts.

From time to time over lunch breaks, I think. .and I post them on Facebook.  They pop up in my memory feeds.  Some are fluff, some definitely have a message.  This was a post on 09/02/2018.  I wonder who yanked my chain that day?!  Lol.   *Long Post Alert* Pre Labor Day Musings (inspired by a glass or two of wine by the fire)of a Working Superwoman: 1.  Most people show up to work and do their job, responsibly, and expect nothing but an honest day's pay for an honest day's work.  There are some that show up for the paychecks and benefits and forget the job duty thing.  It's not fair.  Never was, never will be.  Life isn't fair.  Do your best job, put your best foot forward.  Take pride in your work.  The rest will work itself out. 2.There are some jobs I'm not cut out to do, so I REALLY appreciate those who do them, and do them well.  3. Those in the Armed forces are not paid enough or appreciated enough!...

September - the New New Year ?

 I know that New Years Eve and New Years Day are the traditional days to make a plan for fresh beginnings and resolutions.  I've always looked at September as the New, New Year.    It seems like the perfect time to downshift a bit after the craziness of the summer.   I  love the long days, sunshine, hot weather and everything that entails.....outside patio time, flowers, nights by the firepit, gathering with family and friends, flip flops, tank tops and just everything summer.  But as happy as I am to experience everything that summer represents to me, I'm equally as happy to see Autumn arrive. The shorter days allow me to downshift and breathe.  I'm admittedly guilty of living life to the nth degree; I'm a participant and not an observer.   As darkness and cooler weather arrive, I relish the slower pace of life.   September always holds a magical essence for me; it's been an unofficial time of renewal in my life.  Pe...

i carry your heart with me says so much.   Emotions spill out on the page.  Thoughts, meanings, feelings laid bare in the nuances and cadence of words. This....this one of my favorites...and holds great meaning for me. i carry your heart with me


Sometimes words fail me. Oh perhaps the more accurate statement is my voice fails me.    I am a relatively smart person.  I have fairly good grasp of the English language, my vocabulary is broad, I'm knowledgeable of current events, I'm well read, and I have opinions. With all of that going for me, I find it difficult to speak - with a modicum of intelligence - in certain instances.    I listen as others voice opinions.  I have my own.  But I seldom voice them.  On the rare occasion that I do, I find myself feeling uncomfortable and uneasy.   I hear a voice in my head saying "you're not interesting enough for them to listen to you," or I feel all eyes on me and I want to shrink in to the background. I've taught classes in front of hundreds of insurance professionals, I've taught software demonstrations to insurance agents, taught yoga to hundreds of students, stress management to correctional employees and never batted an eye.  ...

Good Thoughts, Good Deeds

I absolutely loved the movie, Bohemian Rhapsody.  Aside from the music of Queen and biographical story of Freddie Mercury, it had a message...perhaps even a few...for those who were paying attention. Freddie's father set a standard for Freddie of " Good Thoughts, Good Deeds" and shunned Freddie and his lifestyle when Freddie didn't display the proper behavior.    In the end, Freddie and his father mended fences when Freddie (and Queen) played for Live Aid, a concert to benefit famine.  That scene touched my heart so much.  I've watched Bohemian Rhapsody multiple times just to see that scene.  (Ok..and for the music too!)  Why am I writing of this?  A couple of reasons.   I guess that the first would be ...judgement and redemption.  Let's face it...none...and I mean NONE of us are 100% as pure as the driven snow.  We have all made questionable decisions or actions. And we've all been judged by someone at one time or another....

Picking up Sticks

I've been spending some time with a friend, Toni.  Toni is 74 years old.  I first met Toni several years ago when she did a story on me (teaching yoga) for the local paper.  Since then, our paths have crossed several times throughout the years.   Most recently, she was a student in my Friday afternoon senior yoga classes. After I stopped teaching that class, we kept in touch. Toni has led a very interesting life - a life that hasn't always been the easiest for her.  I think, if truth be told, none of us have had the easiest of lives.  Of course, perspective enters in to that as well.  What may be difficult for some, may be considered as a cake walk for others. Last Saturday I picked Toni up and we attended the Kite Festival.  It was a perfect day for it as the ND wind was blowing at hurricane levels.   We sat in the car mostly and watched the stunning kites dance in the wind.  I'm always fascinated by the movement - so mesmer...


This man said it so well!   He said what I couldn't say in my heart brokenness as I sat in shock, watching city after city being ravished by thugs! He Says It For Me!


How do I say what is on my mind and in my heart.  If I let go of my filter, my words will anger some.  Yet I need to get this off my chest.   What happened to George Floyd was wrong,  pure and simple.  He was a victim of a bad cop....and 3 others stood by and did nothing.  Unjustified use of force, Unjustified level of restraint.  Senseless.   Heartbreaking, Sad.  I understand the anger at the injustice. I understand. The act of one should not label all. You scream racism?   Is violence and destruction the way to protest a wrong? Law Enforcement is being targeted all over the country because the death of George Floyd.   Innocent peoples shops, stores are burned and looted.   What does that prove? I could give two shits about color. But I'll tell you one thing right now.....what is happening...the violence in retaliation...does nothing but solidify my thought of you....thugs....mob mentality.  You p...

Memorial Day 2020

A day of remembrance.  Not only for those that have passed in our lives, but also for those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice ... their lives....for this wonderful country of the United States of America. We take so much for granted in our lives and in this nation, especially the tremendous gift of Freedom.   Freedom.   A powerful word, especially this year.    When Coronavirus (Covid-19) hit our borders, I believe Freedom took on an entirely different meaning for a lot of people.  And perhaps, for the first time in their lives, some truly understood why it is so important and why it needs to be protected at all costs. As the country went in to isolation mode, the suspension of certain social liberties/freedoms made a lot of  citizens weary and apprehensive.  What would this mean?   How will we survive?  How long would this last?  What will the future look like? We are urged to stay home and p...

Mothers Day

Today is Mother's Day for most people.....but for me it's just another day.   When my mother and mother-in-law were alive, I used to celebrate with them.  I'd buy cards, cakes, flowers and I'd always make sure that I saw them or called them - or both.   I miss those days.    I miss my Mom.      What I wouldn't give to call her up right now and tell her how much I love her and to hear her words of comfort.....or to feel her loving arms wrap around me and hold me as I pour my heart out to her.   She had a quiet way about her where she wouldn't say much....she'd just be there for me.    She was an amazing woman who lived for her family.   Her number one priority was to see to her family and to make sure we had everything we needed in life.  She wasn't a confident woman....except when it came to her family.   In that sense she was a true matriarch.   Sometimes I feel as if we (my si...

I'm a Extrovert

I say that like it's a disease.  It's not....unless you're in the middle of social distancing.   I realize just how much of a people person I am.   While some may relax and really enjoy their time alone, I find that I crave human contact.  I don't necessarily need to talk to them, I just need to be around them.   It's a bit of a conflict too.  I'm an empath.   I can feel peoples energy, good or bad.   So I should define my earlier statement by saying I miss positive  energy.  :)   Today I went for a bike ride.  It wasn't the longest ride because of the chill in the air this morning.  But I did get out and I did enjoy the time on my two-wheeled steed.   I saw people out walking their dogs, a neighbor and co-worker (Brian) working in his yard, several people sitting on their steps or porches having a cup of coffee in their robes or jammies, some having a smoke.   Peo...

Corona Virus

What a different and troubling world we are living in these days.    As I practice social distancing in my home, I listen to the newscasts and my heart sinks for the all the lives affected by this dreadful disease.    As much as I want to sink my head in the hand like an ostrich, I cannot ignore the rampage and devastation that is spreading across the world.   Businesses have closed, people are laid off, children are schooled at home, parents working from home, limiting contact with others.    Not to mention the grief of families who have lost loved ones due to the virus or those struggling with those in seclusion while they fight through the illness.    But for all it's devastation, the full affects will not be known for some time I'm sure, there seems to be a meek silver lining to all this sadness.  As the world was turning at proverbial breakneck speed, it seems to have stopped on it's axis just as quickly.   W...

New Decade, New Year

If you're a blog stalker, you know that I don't really make New Year's resolutions.  But, what about new decade resolutions?  Is that even a thing?  I suppose it is if you make it one. I've taken review of events of the last decade; my mother-in-law passing, death of my sister-in-law, marriage of my niece Karen, birth of my great-niece Iris, moving from the farm and in to town, celebrating 25 years of marriage this past September, 20-year  anniversary at work, ran a 5-K, started mountain biking and snow shoeing, losing friendships, making new friendships, readjusting to relationship or friendship dynamics (change), closing down my studio. There were probably more, less memorable events, I'm sure but nonetheless insignificant when the totality of everything rolled together brings me to who I am today.   You can't help to but to take stock in the "who I am today" part of that last sentence.  More importantly, do I like who I am and where I a...