Interesting Weekend

Well this wasnt exactly how I wanted to spend my weekend.   I had a nasty episode involving 1)kidney stones 2) kidney infection and 3) sepsis.   Its the same thing than put me in the hosputal in May 2019 and it did again Friday.  So here I am, in my loungewear (that I wore to the ER), waiting for hubs to drive 100 miles to pick me up.  

Am I feeling better?  Compared to Friday,  yes.  Well enough to go home?  Well yes..and no.  They just removed the catheter and I'm feeling some abdominal pain but it's tolerable.   My R flank hurts when I cough.  So, I guess...don't cough?  🙂
I will need to have the stint and stones removed in a few weeks.  At that time, they'll go in and get the one stone higher in the kidney so this doesn't happen a third time!  

On top of that, coming off Covid quarantine.  

Oh, the joys of getting older!  


Rob said…
An interesting weekend? Me-thinks not, Sherry. You really aught to take up another hobby instead of playing with the medical ER staff! :-)
As a dude who has had a few kidney stone operations in the past, I can sympathize with you, my friend. The pain is not a fun thing to experience, that's for sure.

In fact, just between "us girls" here, I have to tell you that I still have a 10mm kidney stone sitting on my right side. I've had it for a few years now. It's behaving itself and not causing me any pain so me and my friendly urologist have decided to let sleeping kidney stones lie and just annually regularly monitor things in case things should change. So far so good.

Now getting sepsis is another matter and I sincerely hope that you get better real soon. Cute jammies that you're wearing, by the way... :-)
Sherry said…
The pain was horrible as you well know. My body isnt real happy at the moment as it's fighting Off Covid, kidney infection AnD sepsis. Rest, antibiotics and pain pills are my friends. I hope you "stone" continues to behave itself!!
Sherry said… themed lounge wear....appropriate, yes?? Cant wait until Im off medications so I can have a big ole glass of Merlot!!
Rob said…
"wine themed lounge wear", yes I recognized the pattern - very appropriate!

I too enjoy a nice glass of wine, Merlot being one of my fave choices. However, to prepare for the upcoming holiday season, right now I'm sipping some Old Tom's eggnog, containing rum (14% alc.) So cheers Sherry, get well soon my friend (hic!) :-)

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