Friday, January 8, 2021

New Year Musings

Lunchtime Musings of a working superwoman.  1) At 4 degrees with a brutal wind, I avoid going outside at all costs. 2) I packed a salad for lunch.  Epic lunch fail. 3) the new eating plan I'm on is low carb, no alcohol or cheese.  Be forwarned and tred lightly! 4) The Bee Gees rock! 5) Pray for America 6) God Bless the inventor of heated seats 7) Post holiday blues have set in...bills and taxes.Lovely. 8) Whoever invented the necklace clasps to be so friggen small, shouldve been shot.   You have 1/in 20 chance of getting the little hoop thingy through it! 9) New Year and a 50/50 chance to accurately write the new year on the first try!  10) my one wish for everyone would be to never have to hear about JUstin Bieber or the Kardashians ever again.  Just sayin.  Lol

1 comment:

Rob said...

Posted reply comments to Sherry from Rob, a friggin frozen ice-cube Canadian:
1) Just arrived home from my lockdown-insanity-avoidance daily stroll in our wind-blown 0 degrees weather - hence the "ice-cube" reference
2) My soon-to-eat lunch here is still a ?. Can u say "surprise me"?
3) My old (and still current) eating plan is the opposite of yours
4) Totally agree
5) Again, totally agree (especially lately)
6) I agree but I rely on my own hot buns. Not so my wife as she's with you.
7) Same old, same old.
8) My wife agrees. My odds are better (1/in 10) when I have to help her.
9) Yes people, it's 2021 - not 2020 or even 1921 (tsk!)
10) Add the name of a certain soon-to-be-booted-out so-called US president

Happy New Year, my friend.
Try to stay healthy and keep smiling throughout 2021. Promise?

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...