Memorial Day 2020

A day of remembrance.  Not only for those that have passed in our lives, but also for those men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice ... their lives....for this wonderful country of the United States of America.

We take so much for granted in our lives and in this nation, especially the tremendous gift of Freedom.   Freedom.   A powerful word, especially this year.    When Coronavirus (Covid-19) hit our borders, I believe Freedom took on an entirely different meaning for a lot of people.  And perhaps, for the first time in their lives, some truly understood why it is so important and why it needs to be protected at all costs.

As the country went in to isolation mode, the suspension of certain social liberties/freedoms made a lot of  citizens weary and apprehensive.  What would this mean?   How will we survive?  How long would this last?  What will the future look like?

We are urged to stay home and practice social distancing.   Stores shut down.  Bars, movie theaters, restaurants, personal care establishments.....closed.  Jobs lost. livelihoods lost.  Schools shut down, sports cancelled, the travel industry obliterated.  Grocery stores empty of  meat, milk, eggs, bread and basic staples because of fear.  Food chain broke down; grocery supplies can't get the product on the shelves because plants are shut down, yet farmers throw away produce or let their livestock perish because they can't get the product to the suppliers/plants.   Cost of their product dwindles  to nothing, yet the cost to the customer skyrockets.  

Tensions rise.  Political divide, prevalent before the virus, is downright malicious during the nationwide shutdown and reopening.   The greatest nation on earth....crippled.

Citizens are weighing in heavily and using their Freedom of Speech to voice concerns. Demonstrations to closures, re-openings, the right to wear a mask or the refusal to do so. The right to live life or the right to isolate.  The freedom to make the choice for ourselves.  

Yet, through all the uncertainty, through all the despair, there is Hope.   

While life isn't as we have known it in the past, and which may take on a different look in the future, there is a resiliency - a strength - in human nature seen before in this country through the generations.  

We are an innovative culture.  When doors close, we open them.  When we are told, no....we say yes.  When we are suppressed, we rise up.   In times of isolation or social distancing, reaching out to each other through technology to stay connected.  Neighbor helping neighbor, the fortunate helping less fortunate.  While alone, we are still together.

As in the past, we will rise past this time of conflict, despair and hardship.  We may be broken and battered....for now....but it is a temporary thing.  

Our human nature to survive will always win.


Rob said…
"Our human nature to survive will always win."

I couldn't have said it any better myself, Sherry. Many challenges, many health / economic / social issues for us all to bear. Hope and optimism, patience and determination. Taking one day at a time. Never giving up. As in past terrible times (wars, famine, pandemics, recessions, depressions, civil strife), this too shall eventually pass. Stay healthy and keep smiling.
Sherry said…
Rob! Good to see you. I hope you and family are faring well during this time! I admit I haven't heard much about how Canada is doing, but I hope better than the U.S! Take care of you and your bride! And try to enjoy the beautiful outdoors as much as possible.....sunshine helps the disposition greatly! :)
Rob said…
Heyyy Sherry! It's great to see you too. Our family is coping for the long haul like most other folks during these scary times. Having not as large a population as the U.S. we've not been as hard hit as you guys by Covid-19 but, like most other countries, we've definitely been having our share.

Fortunately the cold weather has finally left and we're now enjoying warm sunny 80-90 F. weather so that helps the lockdown that many of us have been under. Hope you, your dude, and your extended family and friends are all staying healthy.

To monitor how all countries worldwide are being impacted by Covid-19, here is a link to a site that is continually being updated. Take care my friend.

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