September - the New New Year ?

 I know that New Years Eve and New Years Day are the traditional days to make a plan for fresh beginnings and resolutions.  I've always looked at September as the New, New Year.   

It seems like the perfect time to downshift a bit after the craziness of the summer.   I  love the long days, sunshine, hot weather and everything that entails.....outside patio time, flowers, nights by the firepit, gathering with family and friends, flip flops, tank tops and just everything summer.  But as happy as I am to experience everything that summer represents to me, I'm equally as happy to see Autumn arrive.

The shorter days allow me to downshift and breathe.  I'm admittedly guilty of living life to the nth degree; I'm a participant and not an observer.   As darkness and cooler weather arrive, I relish the slower pace of life.   September always holds a magical essence for me; it's been an unofficial time of renewal in my life.  Perhaps because it's the month of my beginning in life.  

When I was little, the starting of school always meant that it was time to buckle down and find more routine.   You know the typical things that parents had you do when you were little: do your homework, do your chores, eat your vegetables,  remember to brush your teeth before bed, bed time at a certain time. 

As an adult, it is of the same except on an adult scale; looking at finances and finding ways to save money or cut back on spending, investment status and goals, diet/exercise regime (either set up a plan, fine tune plan or recommit), indoor household projects to accomplish over the fall and winter months, develop  a winter book reading list, recommit to journaling/blogging, and most importantly....self reflection....what makes me tic, what I'd like to work on in my personality...overall...become better than I was yesterday.  

The self reflection one is a doozy.  What makes me tic and what can I do better; pretty heavy stuff.  It require a lot of willingness to dig down in to the soul and to see what you're made of.   I like to think that I'm made of light, but if I'm honest with myself, there is plenty of darkness there to work on.   I'd let you in on my self-improvement list, but some of it is pretty personal stuff.  You understand, I'm sure.  :)  Just know that each and every day is a new day to "get it right". 

So today, September 2nd is a day that I'm taking inventory and getting a jump start on the new New Year.   (Never too early - or late - to start self improvement!)


Rob said…
"Live less out of habit and more out of intent".

Yes, I like those words too, Sherry. Similar to what I also have read:
"Live today to the fullest because it is soon lost in the past forever."

And I also enjoy September, the beginning of autumn and all its outdoor leafy changing colours, the beginning of another year of school for the kids and all that they look forward to.

September represents many things for you, whereas for me it's October since, due to climate warming, the air is more crisper then - and besides, that's when it is MY birthday - so to each their own, eh? :-)

Stay safe & healthy.

Sherry said…
Ahhhh yes....Live life to the fullest...I try very hard to do that each and every day. On the days I fail, well, it's still a good day, yes? :) Bon fires, hooded sweatshirts, hot chocolate, falling golden leaves and a chill in the air. All the good things for us children of Autumn. :) Hope you and yours are doing well and safe. With everything going on in the world, be extra vigilant for your safety. :) Oh, and Happy EARLY Birthday! :)

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