Have you ever been presented with a set of circumstances...a conversation or a sight...that makes you go "hmmmm". AND then the mind is off and running? A 100 different scenarios or speculations as to what you heard or saw could mean?
I'm the queen bee of letting myself get "inside my head". I can spin a whole conversation in my head...speculate...and come up with generally a doomsday outlook.
I work myself in to an anxiety attack the size of Texas. WHY? Why do I do that to myself. When all I need to do is have an honest, open conversation about what I heard/saw. Surely I can't be alone in this tendency to downward spiral. Am I?
Is it human nature to immediately go to the dark side? Is communication sooo scary that we'd rather slide in to darkness than to talk?
To say I had the mother of anxiety attacks this weekend would be an understatement. I worked through it the best I could with the help of a trusted friend, yoga and the gym. But it didn't fully subside until I was able to end the speculation and have a conversation.
#headgames #anxietysucks #havethedamnconversation
Yup, we humans often tend to over-think things, leading to incorrect or biased conclusions and often the only way to keep things straight, objective and in perspective is to seek the feedback from other sources, whether they be people or the published opinions of others. It just proves that everyone, including the pope is fallible at times. Welcome to the club Sherry! :-)