Musings of a Working Superwoman
Lunchtime musings of a working superwoman #1 when in doubt, call in sick. Otherwise you spend all day thinking about how you shouldve called in sick. #2 there is a fine line between being sick, feeling sick and not sick enough (when determining #1). #3 when you're gone from being sick, fellow employees or supervisors want the details so They can determine just how sick They think you are/were (the ole "I wouldnt have called in sick for that!" judgement. #4 work ethics plays a huge part of #1...."I wasn't 'sick enough to go/stay home'. #5 please, and for the love of God...if you're shitting, puking, have body aches, coughing or have a fever...GO HOME!'re 'sick enough' in my book...screw the work ethics! #6 Ever heard of Kleenex and hand sanitizers? #7 some ailments cant be seen....but pain can be felt in the body/mind. Just because you're not shitting, puking, don't have body aches, a fever and you're not doesn't mean you still cannot use sick days to feel better and get the help you need. They're there to be used for a reason. #8 work will always be there, rest assured. #9 Cold and Flu season is upon us. Please take precautions to guard against, relaxation, liquids, etc. #10 this Public Service announcement is an accumulation of my personal observations of 30+ years in the working world. Please Stay Healthy this Fall and Winter. #flushots #beproactive #healthfairiscomingup #bekindtoeachother #sendsomeonehomeifyouneedto #weareallguilty #youarewelcome