Musings of a Working Superwoman

Lunchtime musings of a working superwoman #1 when in doubt, call in sick.  Otherwise you spend all day thinking about how you shouldve called in sick. #2 there is a fine line between being sick, feeling sick and not sick enough (when determining #1). #3 when you're gone from being sick, fellow employees or supervisors want the details so They can determine just how sick They think you are/were (the ole "I wouldnt have called in sick for that!" judgement. #4 work ethics plays a huge part of #1...."I wasn't 'sick enough to go/stay home'.  #5 please, and for the love of God...if you're shitting, puking, have body aches, coughing or have a fever...GO HOME!'re 'sick enough' in my book...screw the work ethics! #6 Ever heard of Kleenex and hand sanitizers? #7 some ailments cant be seen....but pain can be felt in the body/mind.  Just because you're not shitting, puking, don't have body aches, a fever and you're not doesn't mean you still cannot use sick days to feel better and get the help you need.  They're there to be used for a reason.  #8 work will always be there, rest assured. #9 Cold and Flu season is upon us.  Please take precautions to guard against, relaxation, liquids, etc. #10 this Public Service announcement is an accumulation of my personal observations of 30+ years in the working world. Please Stay Healthy this Fall and Winter. #flushots #beproactive #healthfairiscomingup #bekindtoeachother #sendsomeonehomeifyouneedto #weareallguilty #youarewelcome 


Rob said…
The danger this fall of course is that more people won't want to take the precautions (eg., flu shots) and/or medical treatment that they would normally have immediately taken in previous years to address their flu issues. Why? Because of the hordes of infected Covid peeps out there straining the medical support facilities especially in the US, as well as in other countries. A real challenge - even for all our superheroes out there.
Sherry said…
I have been receiving weekly testing (Covid-19) since August due to the nature of my work (Corrections). We've been seeing rising numbers in North Dakota on a daily basis. So far we've managed to keep it out of the inmate population (relatively speaking - low numbers) , but as we move in to the cold and flu season, State officials are hammering down on getting flu shots and being diligent in our health..i.e, taking care of ourselves through diet, adequate sleep, hydration, exercise so that our immune systems are not compromised to better handle cold, flu ....which weakens immunity to Covid. It's going to be a Loooonnnnngggggg winter! :(

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