Pre-Labor Day Thoughts.

From time to time over lunch breaks, I think. .and I post them on Facebook.  They pop up in my memory feeds.  Some are fluff, some definitely have a message.  This was a post on 09/02/2018.  I wonder who yanked my chain that day?!  Lol.  

*Long Post Alert* Pre Labor Day Musings (inspired by a glass or two of wine by the fire)of a Working Superwoman: 1.  Most people show up to work and do their job, responsibly, and expect nothing but an honest day's pay for an honest day's work.  There are some that show up for the paychecks and benefits and forget the job duty thing.  It's not fair.  Never was, never will be.  Life isn't fair.  Do your best job, put your best foot forward.  Take pride in your work.  The rest will work itself out. 2.There are some jobs I'm not cut out to do, so I REALLY appreciate those who do them, and do them well.  3. Those in the Armed forces are not paid enough or appreciated enough!  Those that have, or continue to serve, have my utmost Respect.  Thank you! 4. Sometimes a simple, unexpected " Thank you" can brighten an employee's day. 5. When you make it to the top, don't forget the comrades in the trenches who helped you get there.  Remember where you came from. 6. Sometimes we all need to remember that (and I learned this early on in my working career), it's our job to support those who make the decisions or write the paychecks, even if we don't agree 7. IF we ARE lucky enough to make the decisions and write the paycheck, it comes with responsibilities. The title demands respect, but are You worthy of it? 8. The US of A is a land of Opportunity.  We have the lowest rate of unemployment in ND.  IF you aren't working, it is not for lack of jobs.  Perhaps it's time for some self reflection snd make Changes to ensure a brighter future for yourself.  Have some self respect. . 9 and 10. Celebrate US!  The working class pays the highest amount of taxes.  WE carry the US of A.  We show up, we work damn hard and ya, we play hard too.  Some of us have excelled to leadership, most of us are in the trenches.  But it's safe to say we're ALL working hard and for the Pursuit of Happiness (GREAT movie too, if you haven't seen it!).  So raise your glass (or beers) in toast to US....the Working Class of America...cuz WE deserve it! Happy Labor Day!


Rob said…
Yup, Labour Day 2020 is fast approaching for both you guys in the States as well as for us here in Canada. Much has changed over the last 2 years, eh?
I can't even begin to predict as to what it will be like this time next year. One can only hope and pray for better times and more jobs. I'll drink to that!
Sherry said…
Seems the world is in suchv turmoil that that I want to cry,scream, hibernate, or drink wine. I choose w8ne! Lol. Hope you're able to have a great weekend. RELAX and have some wine too! Cheers to us working stiffs!! :)
Rob said…
I'm a wine drinker as well, go to our wine store and regularly brew up 30 bottles each of red and white. Great to have a glass at dinner time. Cheers to you Sherry.

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