Sunday, January 5, 2020

New Decade, New Year

If you're a blog stalker, you know that I don't really make New Year's resolutions.  But, what about new decade resolutions?  Is that even a thing?  I suppose it is if you make it one.

I've taken review of events of the last decade; my mother-in-law passing, death of my sister-in-law, marriage of my niece Karen, birth of my great-niece Iris, moving from the farm and in to town, celebrating 25 years of marriage this past September, 20-year  anniversary at work, ran a 5-K, started mountain biking and snow shoeing, losing friendships, making new friendships, readjusting to relationship or friendship dynamics (change), closing down my studio. There were probably more, less memorable events, I'm sure but nonetheless insignificant when the totality of everything rolled together brings me to who I am today.  

You can't help to but to take stock in the "who I am today" part of that last sentence.  More importantly, do I like who I am and where I am.   Every day, of course, is a chance to make each day better than the previous.  So why wouldn't you take the opportunity to do the same with a new year or decade?

Life is all about change; nothing is static.  There are so many moving parts, moving players, events.   To stay the same through it all, is to become stale or stagnant.   Without growth, withouth intention or desire to change, you're merely going through life on autopilot.   One of my mantra's has been "Life isn't a spectator sport," which I firmly believe.  

None of us can predict what life hands at us, but we can hope to be ready for whatever may pop up on our radar.  

Live in Spirit, live with intention, find joy in each moment, take responsibility for your life, your choices, and celebrate each milestone of the journey.   

Live a life worth living, each and every day.


Rob said...

"If you're a blog stalker.." - Yes I am, ma'am. Happy New Year Sherry !!!

Happy to see that you are still with us here in blog land, even if not that often. Yes, much has happened to all of us over the last decade, some stuff great, other stuff well... But that's life, eh? (Remember, I'm Canadian and tend to end a lot of my sentences with an "eh" - lol).

All in all though, we all have to count our blessings. When you look around at others, life could be worse. So I fully agree with you when you write:
"Live in Spirit, live with intention, find joy in each moment, take responsibility for your life, your choices, and celebrate each milestone of the journey. Live a life worth living, each and every day."

Btw, I love the pics that you posted. So over the next decade keep smiling and hopefully we'll "conversate" (a word our daughter invented when she was a kid) together again here in blog land. But hopefully a lot sooner than in 10 years from now, ok? :-)

All the best to you and yours.

Sherry said...

Rob!! Happy New Year to you too! I AM alive and kicking...takes a lot to keep me down and out. Hopefully you Will be seeing more of me this year and in this decade. I have a Lot of words and thoughts in my head that need to come out!! Stay safe, warm, and Happy!

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...