
Showing posts from 2008

Christmas 2008

Another Christmas season done and memories made. It seems that we prepare for weeks, months even - and it's done in a matter of hours. The wrapping paper dots the floor, Christmas goodies eaten, the wine bottle(s) empty, and the guests have left for home. The build up is exciting and the winding down is bittersweet. T and I had a most enjoyable holiday (sort of). Christmas Eve was spent at my sister Peg's house - as has been tradition since I was 10-years (?) old. Her daughters Joan (with Matt in tow) and Karen were both there this year, which was wonderful. We had a delicious meal that was beautifully prepared, and of course, my personal favorite - wine! We managed to inilate 3 bottles again this year. After opening presents, Matt and Joan suggested that we play their Wii Fit. Now, I've never done video games in my life - I'm just not a fan of them. But, not wishing to be a spoil sport on Christmas Eve, I made the trek to the back room and commenced to play Wii...

Music in my head...

I have a song in my head and I can't get rid of it! I keep hearing it, humming it, singing it, and it won't go away! I'm held captive by a song! What is it you inquire? "Start Me Up" by the Stones. Not the most soothing of songs to have playing in my head! ~LOL~ Which leads me to a question: If you had to have a song playing in your head - quietly in the background - for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Would you choose an instrumental, jazz, rock, classical, vocal? I've given it some thought and I think that I would choose an instrumental. I don't believe that I'd want to hear words or voices in my head (any more than I hear now! Hahahaha!). Seriously, that was a joke...I do NOT hear voices in my head! :-) I definitely think it would be an instrumental. Perhaps a by Jim Brickman or George Winston who I admire for their expertise at the ivory keys.

Five days....

until Christmas and it is storming outside! Geeez! How am I supposed to get the rest of my shopping done? It's my own fault for procrastinating I guess. Those who know me know that I do my best work under pressure! (Some say that I pull it out of my a** quite well!) ~L~ Truthfully, I do not have all that much to get; a few things for my mother-in-law, and a house gift for my brother-in-law Bill and his wife. I don't buy for my side of the family anymore - although Peggy (my sister) will get a nice bottle of wine for our Christmas Eve dinner. That takes me back to a memory of Christmas of five or six years ago. My brother was living and working in Germany at the time. He came home at Christmas with bottles of a German wine that can be served warm or cold. He brought Peg and me each a bottle for Christmas Eve. Now, Peg already had a bottle of wine opened, so we drank that as we were preparing dinner. We then, of course, HAD to open a bottle of the wine Terry had brought us. We tr...

I am fortunate...

Today seemed to go on forever. I am so backlogged at work it isn't even funny. I am encouraged with that, however, as it surely means job security! (Fingers crossed!) ~L~ Seriously, the State would have to be in dire straights before they riffed anyone from our facility - hopefully. This day and age, one can never be too sure though. I try not to let the doom and gloom of the economy affect my psyche - after all, I AM a "glass 1/2 full" type of lady. But, I admit that it is hard to ignore the stories of hardship that hit the news every day. So...for as long as my day was, I'm thankful for it. I have a job to go to that puts food on the table, pays the bills and the little "extras" that come up. There are many who are not as fortunate. I'm thankful that I am healthy, fit and able to work - there are many who wish they could. My heart goes out to those that are experiencing difficulties this time of year - either with job, money, health or family issues. I...

You've GOT to be kidding me!!!!

-18 degrees for a high??? Wind chills in the -45 range?? Lows tonight expected to be -25 (without the wind chills factored in)?? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! Well, as you can see, my efforts to dig myself out didn't work real well. I got up, pulled on the layers of clothing and made the trek out to the garage to start the snow blower. Didn't go so well. Don't know why I thought I could start it when T has problems with it himself. So, I thought to myself, "well, if I can get the garage door open, I'll just grab the shovel and shovel the snowbank out in front of the door so I can drive out." Yeaaaaaahhh, right! I couldn't get the garage door open. It was frozen shut. I tried to pry it open but no matter how much I think I may resemble Superwoman, it wasn't moving! So, then I thought.... well, let's walk out to the driveway and see just how much snow there is anyway. (Insert snort here). Hello! I think all of the snow in the county ended up in my drive...

Yes, it's officially a blizzard!

Goodness gracious! As the wind comes howling through plains, it brings with it cold Arctic air and snow! They predicted this one dead on and they were right for a change! It's 10:46 am and I'm looking out my window to the north and cannot see the garage (that is my visibility gage). When I cannot see that garage to the north, I make the migration to the south windows and look for the 1st line of trees in our yard. Nope, cannot see them either. It's official - we're in a blizzard! ~L~ Last night around 8:00pm, T bundled up and made the trip over to the main farm to stay with the cattle. Noooooooo, he isn't literally staying WITH the cattle, but in the main house. He and his brother do this during storms to make sure that everything goes OK; water fountains stay unfrozen, cattle stay in the feedlot (they tend to want to break out and travel with the wind in the storms - silly cows!) and that they are fed (cattle lose a lot of weight during storms and cold weather so i...

Blizzard Prep....

Heating fuel in the tank................................................check Gasoline in the snowblower..............................................check Animals fed and taken care of...........................................check Essentials (Tpaper, ketchup, milk, bread, sodapop, pretzels, peanutbutter, CHOCOLATE,).............................................................check Good book to read ......................................................check Feel good movie to watch (if taking break from good book)...............check Warm fuzzy slippers.....................................................check Electric blanket........................................................check Projects to do in case of boredome (Christmas Cards)....................check Jammin tunes and plenty of Mike's Lemonade for wee hour blizzard party (OK, it may only be a party of ONE, but that's beside the point,I'm prepared!!).....check Hangs on cuz it's gonna be a bumpy ride but da...


... and I don't mean the type from a poisonous snake. This is the human type of venom - and it wasn't pretty. My paths have crossed with this individual on more than one occassion and each time I walk away with a sense of remorse. He/she carries a grudge - a chip on their shoulder that has turned in to be a boulder. It's all about them, the wrongs done to them, and how the world is out to get them. They do not speak good of others, and they do not trust a soul. I can feel the hatred oozing from them the minute I get within 5 feet of them. They hate the world and they want you to hate the world with them. How sad. I don't pretend to know what kind of life this person has led, nor do I know of the injustices done to them that have made them feel such hatred toward the world. I do know that I limit my contact with this person whenever possible, as I never feel good after the encounter. I do understand the right to be independent and to look out for oneself. I, too,...


..take me away! Better yet - just give me a bottle of wine, some jammin tunes, and leave me alone to readjust my attitude! (Ha!). And you all have a nice day now, ya hear?! :-)

Why is it....

...that we need reasons to get together and visit, catch up, laugh, cry, or just feel companionship? I went to Buck's funeral today - a touching and sad event, with a lot of tears, remembrance, and a few chuckles at his "antics" throughout the years. I sat with co-workers of mine who work in different departments and later, went to the fellowship lunchon and again, sat with them and talked. We were a group of people who used to frequent "staff debriefings" or, in other words, "happy hour" after work and let our hair down. I heard a few people (co-workers and also Buck's family members) make the remark today, "it seems like we only get together for funerals and weddings" or "it's been so long since we have had a chance to sit down and catch up." I know from first hand experience that life can be busy, hectic, and just plain irrational at times. However, I've come to the realization that I'd rather sit dow...

Saddened Once More

Sadness It is with sadness that I write this post. Another of my friends has succumbed to his illness and passed on to a better life. “Buck” was a former co-worker of mine. He passed away Tuesday at the age of 50 – his 51st would have been this coming Saturday – which now is the day of his funeral. Buck and his wife Chris have had many battles to overcome in their lives – many of them would have made even those with the strongest of wills crumble. Buck’s health started to decline due to an incident at work from which he never really fully recovered. Heart issues, diabetes, PTSD, and other issues took their toll on him. I remember Buck for his humor and quick wit. Although I didn’t always agree with him on certain issues, I knew him to be a loving father and husband. Donna (close friend and co-worker) and I took a meal over to Chris, Alaina, and Otto and visited for a while. Chris is heartbroken as she just lost her best friend and husband. She’s trying to be strong, as she a...

All good things must come to an end....

Yes folks, this is the last day of my vacation (insert heavy sigh here!). Though I was on vacation, my days were jam packed with things. My "to do" list didn't get very much crossed off it, but that is alright. I just need to remember to look at it every week and try to accomplish something from the list every weekend. I'll feel like I'm making progress and my house will be all the better for it. I served at coffee fellowship this morning, which is always nice. I find myself chatting up a storm with whomever is working the kitchen with me. Normally we're rushing around at 10:30 trying to wash dishes and put things away to make the 10:45 service, but today was a small crowd; most of them had left by 10:00 am and we had pretty much everything cleaned up at 10:10. I hit the market after Church for some essentials and came home to do some laundry and get things ready for my first day back to work tomorrow. It is my early week also, which really bites! I kn...

I'm so stuffed......

Still.....after almost 24 hours, I feel as stuffed as the turkey was yesterday! Good heavens! I tried to contain myself, I really did.....but it was all so good! My stuffing was delicious and moist, the potatoes were whipped to perfection, and the turkey was moist and tender. About 3:00pm I had this moment of euphoria (maybe it was a turkey coma or the coffee and Kahlua I was sipping on at the time), where I just had a warm fuzzy feeling of "life is good." Anyway, I stepped on the scale this morning and decided I won't eat for another month (yeah, like I can stay away from food that long!). It wasn't too bad and could have been worse - but I seriously need to jump on the treadmill bandwagon SOON! ~L~ What is on the agenda today? Gonna do some yoga, clean up a last few items from yesterday, get ready to go in to town this afternoon to see my niece Karen and then take my mother-in-law to the Holiday Razzle-Dazzle parade! The last days of my vacation are going too fast! ...


I'm sitting here looking out my office window and smiling at the beautiful sun peaking through the tree branches. Morning is such a quiet, calm time of the day. A time to set the intention for the day, perhaps say a prayer for those on our minds and in our hearts, or to adopt a moment of gratitude for everything good and wonderful in our lives. All too often we get caught up in the rush of starting the day that we forget what a precious gift a new day is. Think of it as a canvas on which we can paint the beauty of a single day in our life. Today is a day that we cannot live again - no do overs. It can either be a good day or a bad day - only your attitude determines which it will be. Paint life - your day - on the canvas.


Yes, I just completed my 90 minute yoga practice, sitting here blogging about it (See other blog) and drinking a cup of coffee (1/2 caff), I'm wondering what is going on in the working world today. NOT! (hahahaha). Sorry, I couldn't resist. I am so enjoying my time off today. I had a fabulous yoga practice and now I'm ready to tackle a project on my "to do" list. I have to be in town for an appointment at 3:30pm today, so the project won't be anything major - perhaps straightening up my office. It is amazing how cluttered this room can get. I almost hate walking in here when it is so cluttered. I have to find a better way of managing it. I find myself strapped for time and will walk in to the office, lay a piece of paper down and say, "I'll deal with it when I get time." Two weeks (hmmm, maybe months?) later, I have these piles of paper sitting on the desk, chair, and spare bed - that I swear grow faster than the national debt!@ Sheeesh! I've...

Vacation Mode!

Oh's vacation time for little ol' me! Wooooooooo Hoooooooo! Do I have anything planned? Am I going anywhere special? Nope and Nope! Well, I do have some things that I need to get done, like cleaning and bookwork. Oh, and getting ready to cook Thanksgiving dinner, but other than that...nadda! Not even teaching yoga this week. How sweet it is! The bad thing is - the growing list of things that I want to get done in the next few days will probably not get done. I'm going to try and not sweat it. Anything accomplished will be one less thing to worry about later on. I had already decided that I'm not going to do deep-down, crevice, nook-and cranny cleaning this fall. I'm going to leave that all for my spring vacation. Hmmm, do you see a pattern developing here? ~hahaha~ I rarely go anywhere on vacations; it's spent at home tending to things that don't get done during the work week or on weekends. I imagine that I'll find time to read a book or m...

Remembering Vic

By now, everyone has heard that Vic passed away on Saturday night aroung 6:51 pm. He was home with his wife Sharon and his mother, and went quietly in his sleep. Sharon called me to let me know of his death and quietly added, "the last time he opened his eyes was for you." I'm so glad that I was able to spend time with him earlier that day. It doesn't make the sadness go away, but it does dull the ache a little bit. I spent some time with Sharon on Sunday, helping her to clean and get the hospital bed and oxygen equipment ready to go back to Hospice. We talked quite a bit about Vic's life and how they lived their life together. They truly had a great relationship. Vic will be laid to rest on Wednesday. He'll be honored by former co-workers and friends as special pallbearers and the JRCC Honor Guard. A fitting salute to such great man.


I visited Vic and Sharon today. I cried. Sharon had told me a few days ago that Vic was going down hill fast, but I didn't comprehend what she was saying until I saw with my own eyes today. The change is so drastic frome my last visit with them lat week. He is non-responsive now. I got real close to him and whispered, "hey ornery, it's me, Sherry...I've come to give you a little grief." He did open his eyes - briefly - and made an attempt to squeeze my hand, but that is all. It is so sad to see a good friend go through this pain and suffering. I said a prayer for him this morning and asked the good Lord to "ease his suffering and bring him home." Sharon is a the epitome of a rock. She has been by Vic's side - non wavering. She held me while I cried, it should have been the other way around. Words, at a time like this, are just words. We all mean well, but it doesn't ease the pain and helplessness of having to watch a loved one die. I've ask...

What does it mean...

when you are driving down a city street, in the dark, and as you pass each street light, it goes dark?? Do I have a guardian angel telling me something? Do I have that much positive energy that the electricity flowing from me interrupts the power flow around me? That happened to me this morning while driving in to work. One by one the street lights went dark as I passed by. I didn't think much of it until I hit the 3rd one and it too went dark. As I exited town, the lights were coming back on, one by one. Spooky..... Someone, somewhere, was trying to tell me something I think.


I'm back! Reality bites after spending and awesome weekend absorbing knowledge and wisdom from a master yoga trainer. Alhough my body is tired and sore, my mind is energized and ready to instruct. Too bad I have to wait until tomorrow night! I'm working on catching up on laundry, dishes, and house cleaning. Leaving hubster in the house alone for 3-days isn't such a good idea - even though he did his best to keep things neat and tidy. It's good to be home though - housework aside. Will write more later on, but need to go fold towels and sweep the floor. Later folks!

I Salute Thee.....

Today is not just another holiday with a day off from work. Today is a salute to our nation's veterans, the men and women who have fought for this great country of ours. Those that fought to keep our nation free and enjoy the personal freedoms we have. If you haven't thanked a Veteran for their service, please do so today. Let them know how much we appreciate the sacrifice they made for us.

Know what sucks???

When your furnace takes a dump and it's single digit temperatures outside! NOT a fun way to start the day for sure. All started on Saturday when T kept accusing me of turning down the furnace cause it was 68 in the house. Now, I know I have been getting hot flashes, but seriously, I never turned down the thermostat. Woke up on Sunday morning and it 60 in the house. No WAY was I taking the blame for that one! Yeppers, the furnace took a nose dive. We are lucky enough to have a good friend who comes over and services the furnaces/air conditioners at the three houses. He came over yesterday - in the middle of deer hunting (what a guy!) - and confirmed our worst suspicions. The good thing is we have a little electric heater that throws off a lot of heat, plus he brought one of his over for us to use. The bad news is the parts for the furnace won't be available until next week. Yikes! I guess it could always be worse though - like -20 degrees outside with a 40 mph wind. Needless to ...

Another National Holiday

Although it is not shown on the calendar, there is another national holiday observed in the north land: Deer Hunting Opener! Yep - Friday, at precisely noon, all the men folk (and some women too) took to the country roads, dressed in their orange finery, holding their well cleaned and oiled guns in search of the elusive buck or doe for which they have license to shoot. With itchy fingers poised and ready to pull the trigger as they walk through stubble and pasture lands, eyes focused in on anything that moves, they wait with baited breath for "the one" to put their tag on. Schools (some of them) in the area actually close on this day. Preparations start two days ahead of time: gas (check), sandwiches and snacks(check), gun cleaned and oiled (check), orange clothing (check), license (check), binoculars and two-way radios (check), beer (ummm, better get some more! check). I live on a fairly well traveled road. However, at precisely 6:45am this morning it turned in to an interst...


I know we are all busy - we have work, children to cart back and forth to school activities, yoga classes to attend, etc. We can all make excuses....but today is one day that is most important and today there should be no excuses. I do not care who you vote for.....just vote. Exercise your right as an American to go to the polls and help select the leadership of this country and this state. Your vote DOES count and it IS important to this great country of ours. So please, no excuses today.......VOTE.

Daylight Saving Time....

Don't know about you folks, but I don't like this time change! It's dark at 6:00pm! An extra hour of sleep? Yeah right, I woke up on schedule with that blasted internal alarm clock of mine - at 4:30 this morning (normally 5:30am)! Now THAT sucked! I know, I know, we go through this every year and we get used to it, but for this first day, let me rant and rave, ok? Ok ~L~ Well, as promised, I said that I'd write more when I had time. I spent the majority of the day outside because it was absolutely gorgeous out! I'm taking advantage of it before all of the crud hits us later this week (according to the news reports). The last few weeks have been hectic, crazy busy for me. Our hearts are heavy with the loss of our friend and neighbor, Ron. T was pallbearer for his good friend and it hit him especially hard. We spent a considerable amount of time with Ron's family on Thursday and Friday night, the prayer service on Sunday, and the funeral on Monday. The prayer serv...

I'm here.....

Well - it's been a whirlwind week and a half, chock full of activities, emotional ups and downs, and everything in between. I'm surviving, but I'm realizing that life kind of takes you by surprise and makes you sit up and take notice once in a while. The death of our good friend and neighbor - Ron - hit us hard. T took it especially hard as he grew up with Ron they were great hunting buddies. Although he had been battling cancer for the last year, it didn't make saying goodbye any easier. Will write more later when I have more time as there is much more to write about. My life - as I know it - is CRAZY! ~LOL~

A better place

I learned of the passing of our friend and neighbor, Ron. Please, say a prayer for strength for his wife and sons during this difficult times.

Sounds familiar

This sounds quite familiar. Going to the vet with Boris is a traumatic experience. God forbid I should have to give him medicine! (shudders at the thought) Reading this made me howl with laughter. I'm particularly fond of #11! Enjoy! HOW TO GIVE A CAT A PILL -- THEN A DOG 1. Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow. 2. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process. 3. Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away. 4. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten. 5. Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of w...

Silent Treatment

A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. Suddenly, the man realized that the next day, he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight. Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (and LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper, 'Please wake me at 5:00 AM.' He left it where he knew she would find it. The next morning, the man woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AM and he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't wakened him, when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed. The paper said, 'It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.' Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests.

A lovely weekend

Hey folks. You might guess, that it is once more a Sunday afternoon adn I'm catching up on things around the house. I am kind of lazy today but trying to get the essentials done so that I don't get caught with my shorts down on Monday morning. (now isn't THAT a visual you wanted to go to! Ha!) I caught up on some yoga bookwork (finally!), did a little laundry, sent out an email to my yoga students regarding the November schedule (and specials - go to Better Life Through Yoga to check out the information), started supper (baked chicken, smashed tators, vegetables with cheese sauce - YUM!), and am now thinking about packing my yoga bag for my wellness Yoga Basics class at a corp. here in town. So, what have I been doing you ask? Well, hubster and I met up with some friends and went the bull-o-rama in town! Peeps - you really MUST check this out next year! It's a lot of fun (well, not if you're the poor schmuck who gets his face full of dirt as he's tossed h...


Was anyone else saddened by the exit of Abby Lockheart on ER last night? I was. I cried. I'm a soft touch, I know, but I cried. I'm going to miss ER.

Powerful Stuff...

Those who read my blog know that I have a nephew who is mentally disabled. He's 28 and making a life on his own. He works at Wal-Mart, has a gal-pal, and loves to be part of the "Jimmies" teams by handing out water to the athletes. He's a Special Olympics Hall of Fame Athlete, Man of the Year, and all around athlete in his own right. I found this story on the net and it made me cry. Blaine has so many wonderful people supporting him - not only family, but friends who take an interest in what he is doing, and how he is doing. Matt, who is helping him train for the World Games (Idaho) in February, Jeremy who plays football with Blaine and treats him like a regular guy, the coaches and college athletes that have taken him under their wing. They all have helped Blaine on his journey through life. To see the huge smile he gets when he runs across friends and people who ask him, "How are you doing Blaine" or "Good to see you Blaine" makes me get a l...

Some days you got it....

Ever had one of those days when everything clicks in your brain? I mean, everything comes so fast you literally think you are Einstein?? Then, there are days when things are foggy and the brain feels bogged down in quicksand. Today is one of those days. I forgot where the keys to the truck were - couldn't find them anywhere. I spent 5 minutes looking for them only to discover that they were in the truck - where they always are! Get to work and forget the password to my computer. Yep - had to make the dreaded phone call to the IT department to get it reset. Then, once I reset it and think of a new one, what do I do? Forget it, log in with the ORIGINAL password (that I forget 5 minutes before) and had to call the IT department yet again to have him reset my NEW password for me. I'm getting to know Josh intimately! (Ha!) Yep, some days I have it, and some days I don't. Hmmmmm....Sounds like a "Mounds" candybar commercial, doesn't it? ~L~ I take nothing for grante...

Good to Get Away!

Hey folks! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while - life is getting a little hectic around here lately. Hubster "T" decided to spring a last minute trip to "the cities" on me this last weekend. It was a whirlwind trip - leaving Saturday morning and returning late Sunday night. We had a great time though - as we were at an artifacts show at which he gave a "demonstration" on his flint knapping abilities. It's always good to see familiar faces at these things, and I've now deemed them "show friend" (as that's the only time I get to see them). A huge shout out to Tom and Greg for all of their efforts in putting together a archeology show of this caliber. We brought some of our Native American artifacts to show, and it is always nice to walk around and see some of the other collections present. I had to be at a conference yesterday at 7:30 - which means I had to leave the facility with the state car at 6:00 am. I didn't...

There's a reason he's "The Man"

What can I say, my nephew Blaine IS "The Man." I just had the most enjoyable time with him. I was in town for an appointment (think yet another hairstyle) and had some time afterwards, so called Blaine to see if he wanted to have coffee with me. I didn't need to ask twice as, in Blaine's words, "I'm always up for food." (Like, THAT is the understatement of the century!) I picked him up and we went to this quaint little coffee house on main street and sat ourselves down. Of course, we just HAD to share a piece of carrot cake (Yum) even though it isn't on either of our diets (love it when that happens!). Now, with Blaine you never know exactly what kind of conversation you're going to get. Some days its all fun, some days its rant/rave about work, or the standings of the college football team (or whatever sport he is doing at the time). Today though, we entered in to the realm of politics. Now, I don't talk politics alot because I feel m...

Black Box

This thing is addicting! (Points to the "Black Box" on the Right side of the screen). I've found some pretty hilarious blogs out there with this little widget. I'm going to copy from one blog I found via "the box", and ask that if you've found my blog via the box to please leave me a message and let me know what choices you made to find me. (Thinks this blogging thing is so cool!)

Take two Valium and return in two weeks....

Yeah right! Have YOU ever tried to get my cat Boris in to a pet carrier?? My morning started out with a huge dose of anxiety - it was Vet day! I tried to convince T one last time to stay and help me get Boris in to the carrier, but my macho husband shook his head and said (and I quote) "nope - I like my skin on my body thank you". Boris, of course, must have "vet radar" going on cuz the little minx couldn't be found anywhere. I enticed him with food though and managed to corral him in the bathroom. I retrieved a large blanket and made nice with putty-tat...smiling and cooing and petting him while he ate - then I ambushed him by throwing the blanket over his head and rushing out to the entry way where the pet carrier was hiding in wait. Have you ever seen that Garfield comic strip where Jon is standing with his hands around Garfield and Garfield has all four paws imbedded in Jon's face? Yeah, that was me and Boris this morning. This cat had a growl ...

She won't rub me the wrong way....

I just had the most pleasurable experience. I had the day off today - which, in of itself is pleasure enough - totally pampered myself with a 2-hr massage Ms. Jenn! That woman has fabulous hands. I went in with a headache, bordering on a migraine, and proceeded to lose myself to her magic touch and her witty humor. I tell you what, this lady has been known to have me in stitches on the table. Last summer she was telling me about a bachlorette party she went to and how this limo of guys pulled up - all with east coast accents (think Tony Soprano). Oh my god! I thought I was gonna die! I was laughing so hard I had water runnin from my eyes and damn near had to jump bareassed off the table and head for the bathroom. It was that bad...errr...good! She's quite an intelligent young lady who is married to this tall drink of water named Jack. He's from the east coast and came to our fair state to be with his lady love. Now, according to Jen, his father is a Victor Newman (thin...

It's all good!

What a wonderful day I had yesterday (Sunday)! The day started out with my mother-in-law canceling out on our brunch plans due to illness. She is so sweet. She said, “I’ve been looking forward to this all week and wouldn’t you know it! I don’t feel so good.” We were going to go to attend the St. Mary’s Catholic Church breakfast. They always have a turkey dinner (with all the trimmings) this time of year, but decided to change the menu this year and go for breakfast. I had also invited my nephew Blaine to go along with us. Not long after I got off the phone with my mother-in-law, my sister Peggy called and asked if I was still going to the breakfast. It all worked out! I picked up Blaine and Peggy and away we went. The food was awesome and the company was spectacular. We saw my sister Judy and her husband Duane; they are leaving today on a three-week trip to the East Coast. My sister Pat and brother-in-law Gil were in attendance along with their granddaughters Abby and Em...

Sometimes I don't think quick enough!

OK, like I really have to learn to engage my brain a little faster- it would save me a whole lot of stress and agony. Like - when someone calls you up on the phone and says, "what are you doing tomorrow night"? If I were thinking fast enough, I'd say something witty and important like "taking the wax off of my kitchen floor." But did I? Nooooooooo! My dim-witted response was, "nothing.....why?" Well now, didn't THAT just open up the door! "Well, if you're not doing anything, how would you like to...."! Get my point? No way of backing out now. I'm stuck. I gotta fess up and do the chore when I could have been sitting on easy street with my feet up eating a chocolate bon-bon. (NOT that I actually eat chocolate bon-bon's - I just wanted to see it in print! (hehehehe) Of course, now that I've posted it for all of the world to see - folks will be much more clever now and will trick me by not really coming out and asking...they...

Kind of makes you think....

This was emailed to me recently and it made me smile. For those that know me, you know that I've gone through quite a life transformation in the past ten years. I was happy - but not. It's hard to explain really. I guess it all boiled down to the fact that I wasn't happy with me . I set about making some changes -boy, did I! We're all in charge of our own density...errr...destiny! (Never could get that word right). This story kind of drives the point home. Enjoy! ******************************************************************************* Last Respects Author Unknown One day not too long ago the employees of a large company in St. Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said: "Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym." At first everyone was sad to hear that...

What a Wonderful Birthday!!

I had the most wonderful day today – on this, my birth date! The day started out with my husband setting out a card at 5:00am (by the coffee pot so I wouldn’t miss it!). It was a cute card and made me smile, especially since he and Boris (our cat) both signed it! Then on to work where the ladies made low-fat brownies (we’re all trying to lose weight) in honor of my day. My siblings started calling me one by one to wish me a happy birthday. It’s always so funny how we do this because none of us are organized enough to send birthday cards! ~LOL~ I received birthday greetings from truly special friends here at work and those from afar that warmed my heart. My yoga class was great! I told them that we were going to celebrate my birthday by doing some fun things during class. We focused on a ½ hour of vinyasa flow, and then settled in to learn some breathing techniques to help calm our spirits and focus our thoughts. All of this followed up by 15 minutes of guided relaxation – a...

Happy Birthday Brother!!

I'm sending a "Happy Birthday" shout out to my brother, Terry! It's his birthday today - he's...ummm....7 years older than me! ~LOL~ I called to wish him a "great day" today and ended up getting a supper invitation out of the deal! It's not often that we get to celebrate our birthdays together (mine is tomorrow) - so of course, I accepted! So, I hope that your day is going well Terry! We'll catch up over a few brews and supper tonight with your family! Love ya tons! Your lil sister!

I need a nap!

Gracious Sakes!!! I don't know if it's the prospect of turning another year older, the coolness of the fall air, my hectic schedule, or all of the aforementioned, but I'm in serious need of a nap! I don't like to take naps because they disrupt my sleep schedule in the evening and I don't want to become dependent on them to get me through the day. So rather than taking a nap, I'm catching up on some bookwork, updating contacts in my email, and listening to football on the TV. Speaking of football - how about the Bison yesterday....trouncing all over the CCSU Blue Devils??! Rock on ND!! Now, I wouldn't want to gloat or anything, but seems to me the "farm boys" took it upon themselves to spank the east coast pansies! I personally didn't attend NDSU, but my two nieces and nephew Matt did - so I'm gloating on their behalf! ~L~ What else is going on? My sister Peg took me and T out for supper last night to Grizzley's and we had a fantas...

Mama Mia!

Hey folks! Hope everyone is enjoying your long holiday weekend! As you know, I spent all of Saturday cleaning and getting a jump start on fall household projects. I'm trying to keep the momentum going today by tackling my office. Not fun! I'm behind in bookwork and filing, dusting and such. Which is why I'm taking a break! ~LOL~ Hey, it works for me! I had a fabulous day yesterday. I took my mother-in-law out for lunch yesterday. At her request, we went to a pizza/chicken establishment because she was hungry for "mashed potatoes." When I stepped up to pay, this spry 98-lb. 87 year old (turning 88 October 16th) muscled me out of the way and said, "no way - you bought last time and you aren't gonna fight with a old woman on a Sunday are you?" That promptly put me in my place and garnered a few laughs from the surrounding people. Afterwards we went to check on my sister's house and water her flowers (she was out of town all week visiting ...


I hate it! OK - I like when it's all finished and I can look around and see the fruits of my labor....BUT....getting it to that point is a real pain in the ...hmmm...rump! :-) I took a look at my schedule for the next month and figured that I should get a jump start on my fall cleaning whilst I had three days off in a row. So far I have three rooms torn apart and none of them are totally clean! Grrrrrr! It's that procrastinating perfectionist in me. If I could just learn to do a room a week (or even month) and take my time, it wouldn't be so stressful. Nope, not for me. I wait until I'm under the gun - then I go with both guns blazing and exhaust myself! Hmmm, definitely a character flaw! ~L~ Oh well - at least I'm cleaning and doing something. Goes back to my favorite saying - which applies to anything in life really: Diet, exercise, housecleaning, cooking, "Something is better than nothing!" ~LOL~ Have a great day folks! Enjoy the weekend! Namaste!

Congratulations Karen!!!

My niece Karen just defended her thesis at KU and, I'm proud to say that she is now the proud owner of a Masters degree in....hmmm...I believe it's Medicinal Chemistry. Rock on Karen! Note to Karen: I know that the last few months have been busy, stressful and frustrating, but all of your hard work has paid off and now you are on your way to that Ph.D!! Yeah! I'm so proud of you!!!! We're going to celebrate the next time you come home. Love you tons!

A Birthday Party

We are supposed to go to a birthday party for someone who has cancer and was told that the last round of chemo "didn't do any goo". This is awkward for me. I'm not sure how to handle it. I! Better to smile, laugh and celebrate life, than to mourn death.

Dog Update

Hello folks - here is the latest news on little Bella. Dr. Deb called this morning to tell me that she has taken Bella home to foster for a few days. The little dog seems to be doing well but having issues with it's digestive/elimination system. She is getting twice daily medications to help with that. Although she is experiencing some loose/bloody stools, Dr. Deb feels that she'll be fine in a few days. Bella also apparently seems to be well trained - in that she sits, speaks, shakes and rolls over on command. She also is house-broken - she won't mess in her kennel. Dr. Deb says that she is also great with kids and cats....pretty much a perfect dog (which she says is almost unheard of!) ~L~ We also have received news from the local dog catcher (city) that she had reports of a dog roaming loose for three weks on (or around) the highway between town and the oil tanks west of town. I'm thinking that maybe the dog got loose at one of the rest areas? There have no re...

Dog Update

Hey followers of my dog rescue is an update. Buddy is now "Bella" as "he" turns out to be a "she"! Dr. Deb says that she is a 4-yr. old miniature sheltie-cross (with what, I'm not sure). The x-rays revealed that she has no broken bones anywhere, but does have some issues with bruising in the shoulder area. She has been scavenging for food apparently and will be given medicine to clean out her digestive tract. Other than that, the Vet says she is doing well and is very well tempered; she hasn't barked hardly at all since being brought in and she likes to cuddle. If anyone wants to adopt her, she'll be at the Humane Society sometime within the next week or two. I'm going to take a picture of her and post it here on the blog - so be on the lookout. She's a sweetie and needs to go to a loving home!!

My heart was touched this morning.

I had my heart touched this morning by a little dog that was wondering around the farm community the last few days. I saw it last night on my way home - and it ducked in to my brother-in-law's farm. It bothered me - who would let a little dog like that roam the countryside? I saw it this morning just south of my place. I kept on driving - but my heart got the best of me. I had seen him twice - he was still in my area; it was an omen. I was supposed to help this little dog. I called work and said, "I'll be late" and explained why, then turned around to go home to get some food. The dog was in my yard but ran away as soon as I stopped the vehicle. I went in to the house to get some food and the pet carrier then went searching for it. I found it just across the road from the neighbors to the north of me. I was able to walk up to it and throw it some food - but it growled at me. I walked closer and kept talking to it and was able to start petting it. My neighbor Tony drov...

A New Man in My Life

Yes folks - I have a new man in my life. He has the softest skin, the prettiest blue eyes and he smells absolutely Divine! Who is he? you ask? My new man is my great nephew Hayden Thomas! He was born July 8, 2008 to my nephew Brad and his wife Paula. And oh, let me tell you he's is adorable! Here, see for yourself! Yesterday my sister Peg and I traveled to the Capitol City to meet our new great nephew Hayden. He was such a little gentleman - he never cried once! He was being passed around from woman to woman and he never even let out a screech. Brad said he had a talk with his little man in the morning and said, "hey look - you better get some sleep while you can - those women will be all over you in a few hours!" ~chuckle~ We were too! I'm so happy for Brad and Paula - they are obviously over the moon for their little guy! He's gonna be the best dressed lil fella too - man did he make a haul yesterday! ~L~ We shower our own with love, but the gifts are nice too! ...

Take A Stand and Don't Go!

Tomorrow is the release of the movie "Tropic Thunder" starring Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr. and Jack Black. This movie is offensive and hurtful promoting the idea that a "retard" is funny. The R-word is derogatory hate speech that demeans the more than 3% of people around the world who have intellectual disabilities. "Tropic Thunder" use and abuse the R-word, encouraging behavior that continues to demean a portion of our population who already face challenges. There is a nationwide movement and we must work together and Encourage people NOT to see or support the film. SOI is even going so far as encouraging US programs to organize friendly protests outside movie theatres. We need you to make a personal and professional commitment – * Do not go to the movie * Email or talk to at least three of your friends, workers, etc and share this information * Forward the website information below. The website is live. Take a minute to check out! A...

She's One in a Million!

Every once in a while, the fates smile upon you and send you someone to touch your heart and your life. I have a several such people in my life and I am truly blessed to know them. One such person is my friend Donna. Her warmth and her beautiful spirit create sunshine in the world. She cares deeply for those in her life; her empathy for others going through pain or a rough time is such an enduring quality that makes her special. Her smile and easy going demeanor make it a joy to be around her. No one is safe from her particular brand of ribbing! Trust me on this one! The ability to laugh at one self is tough for some people – but not Donna. She just shakes her head, laughs and says, “hey, that’s just who I am.” Donna and I have this unique friendship where we can finish each other’s sentences; and as twisted as her logic and thought patterns are in any given conversation – I understand her! (No small feat let me tell you!) (Hmmmmm, what does that say for me, I wonder?)! ...

Happy Birthday Dad!

Dad, Though you are no longer of this earth, your spirit surrounds me - especially on days that are hard for me. I always feel your presence, your love, your encouragement to go live and to experience. Thank you for always being with me - in my heart, in my memories, and in my life. I love you Dad! Sherry Lee

Happy Anniversary Matt and Joan!

Hard to imagine that three years ago today we were sweating in the church trying to get you laced in to that dress without breaking the lacing! ~L~ I didn't even want to think about what we would do if that happened. Your mom would have had my head! Here is a picture of me with my beautiful Joan. The day was beautiful but no more beautiful than the bride! You've come a long way Joan and I'm so proud of you and Matt. You've really made a beautiful life together. He's grounded and easy going, while you are driven and slightly high-strung (He's the ying - to your yang!) :-0) I'm sorry to hear that he's in Wisconsin at a Language camp. As you said earlier, it's a terrific opportunity for him and since his school (he's a teacher) is paying for it, it was a no-brainer for him to go. At least you celebrated before he left town. (Whisper) Make sure you celebrate when he comes home too! ;-) Quote for the Day: Joy is a net of love by which y...