I am fortunate...

Today seemed to go on forever. I am so backlogged at work it isn't even funny. I am encouraged with that, however, as it surely means job security! (Fingers crossed!) ~L~ Seriously, the State would have to be in dire straights before they riffed anyone from our facility - hopefully.

This day and age, one can never be too sure though. I try not to let the doom and gloom of the economy affect my psyche - after all, I AM a "glass 1/2 full" type of lady. But, I admit that it is hard to ignore the stories of hardship that hit the news every day.

So...for as long as my day was, I'm thankful for it. I have a job to go to that puts food on the table, pays the bills and the little "extras" that come up. There are many who are not as fortunate.

I'm thankful that I am healthy, fit and able to work - there are many who wish they could.

My heart goes out to those that are experiencing difficulties this time of year - either with job, money, health or family issues. I say a prayer for them that they'll find comfort, work, shelter, food (anything that will help their world become a brighter place, if even for a moment).

Then I take a moment of gratitude for all the good and wonderful things in my life and say a prayer of "Thank You" to Him.

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


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