Music in my head...

I have a song in my head and I can't get rid of it! I keep hearing it, humming it, singing it, and it won't go away! I'm held captive by a song! What is it you inquire? "Start Me Up" by the Stones. Not the most soothing of songs to have playing in my head! ~LOL~

Which leads me to a question: If you had to have a song playing in your head - quietly in the background - for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Would you choose an instrumental, jazz, rock, classical, vocal?

I've given it some thought and I think that I would choose an instrumental. I don't believe that I'd want to hear words or voices in my head (any more than I hear now! Hahahaha!). Seriously, that was a joke...I do NOT hear voices in my head! :-)

I definitely think it would be an instrumental. Perhaps a by Jim Brickman or George Winston who I admire for their expertise at the ivory keys.


JDB said…
Jim Brickman is coming to Minneapolis April 17-18. You and Mom should come down:)

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