Sunday, December 14, 2008

Yes, it's officially a blizzard!

Goodness gracious! As the wind comes howling through plains, it brings with it cold Arctic air and snow! They predicted this one dead on and they were right for a change!

It's 10:46 am and I'm looking out my window to the north and cannot see the garage (that is my visibility gage). When I cannot see that garage to the north, I make the migration to the south windows and look for the 1st line of trees in our yard. Nope, cannot see them either. It's official - we're in a blizzard! ~L~

Last night around 8:00pm, T bundled up and made the trip over to the main farm to stay with the cattle. Noooooooo, he isn't literally staying WITH the cattle, but in the main house. He and his brother do this during storms to make sure that everything goes OK; water fountains stay unfrozen, cattle stay in the feedlot (they tend to want to break out and travel with the wind in the storms - silly cows!) and that they are fed (cattle lose a lot of weight during storms and cold weather so its good idea when running a feedlot to keep them fat and happy!).

Of course, getting the machinery to run in helacious weather conditions such as this is always a treat! T called this morning and said that things are a mess over there. I don't envy them at all.

Me? I'm doing just peachy! I'm warm, I'm comfy and all is well on the home front (knock on wood!). I drank 1 Mike's Lemonade last night (the extent of my "wee-hour party for one"!) and fell fast asleep around 12:30am.

I have a bunch of things I want to get done today (mostly yoga things) but I think that I'm going to be a bum later and watch a movie. Hey, how often do we get snow days anymore???! ~L~

Tomorrow is supposed to be cold as hell....highs in the -10 degree range with windchill factors in the -30 area. Tell me again why I live in the frozen tundra??? Sheeeesh! Anywho, I'll get things ready for work and hope to heck that I can get the snow blower started and shovel myself out tomorrow morning. I'm supposed to be to work by 7am, but that will depend largely on weather conditions and snow removal. Will I be dressed in my work finery? Not on your life - not with those temperatures predicted! Triple layers and jeans will do just fine! ~L~

Will write more later (maybe...if'n I don't take a nap or watch a movie!)

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