My heart was touched this morning.
I had my heart touched this morning by a little dog that was wondering around the farm community the last few days. I saw it last night on my way home - and it ducked in to my brother-in-law's farm. It bothered me - who would let a little dog like that roam the countryside? I saw it this morning just south of my place. I kept on driving - but my heart got the best of me. I had seen him twice - he was still in my area; it was an omen. I was supposed to help this little dog.
I called work and said, "I'll be late" and explained why, then turned around to go home to get some food. The dog was in my yard but ran away as soon as I stopped the vehicle. I went in to the house to get some food and the pet carrier then went searching for it. I found it just across the road from the neighbors to the north of me. I was able to walk up to it and throw it some food - but it growled at me. I walked closer and kept talking to it and was able to start petting it. My neighbor Tony drove up and asked if I needed help. He helped me get the pet carrier from my truck. The little dog was a little wary of us as we walked back up to it, but with little effort, I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and he walked right in to the pet carrier.
I thanked Tony for his help - and drove off with my little dog Buddy. Now what? I called the Humane Society but they didn't answer their phone, so I took him to the Vet and Dr. Deb said, "sure bring him in and we'll see what we can do." When he came out of the carrier he just warmed right up to Dr. Deb and kept looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes. He's so cute! He is injured in the ribs and shoulder area, he's favoring his right-rear leg. I told Deb, whatever the cost (within reason, of course) let's get him checked over and fixed up and see if we can get the Humane Society to take him and get him adopted out. He's a middle aged Sheltie-cross dog that obviously was someones pet that either got away from them or they dropped him off. I hope that he's not hurt too badly. Maybe I can talk the hubster in to keeping him however, with the hours that I keep teaching Yoga, taking care of a dog would be hard. I know this and accept it. Whatever happens, I'm glad that I had a bleeding heart this morning and stopped to rescue the dog. (soft tears)
Vet Update: Buddy ate some food and is jumping around in the kennel like he wants to play. They are going to Rabies vaccinate him then take him to x-ray to see what is broken and needs to be fixed. They called the Humane Society and they said that small dogs are adoptable so they should be able to take him. Dr. Deb said that he’ll need to be fostered for a while and she knows the spot – her and her three kids. Yeah!!!! The only thing better would be if I could keep him. I’m SO glad I stopped this morning!!
I called work and said, "I'll be late" and explained why, then turned around to go home to get some food. The dog was in my yard but ran away as soon as I stopped the vehicle. I went in to the house to get some food and the pet carrier then went searching for it. I found it just across the road from the neighbors to the north of me. I was able to walk up to it and throw it some food - but it growled at me. I walked closer and kept talking to it and was able to start petting it. My neighbor Tony drove up and asked if I needed help. He helped me get the pet carrier from my truck. The little dog was a little wary of us as we walked back up to it, but with little effort, I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and he walked right in to the pet carrier.
I thanked Tony for his help - and drove off with my little dog Buddy. Now what? I called the Humane Society but they didn't answer their phone, so I took him to the Vet and Dr. Deb said, "sure bring him in and we'll see what we can do." When he came out of the carrier he just warmed right up to Dr. Deb and kept looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes. He's so cute! He is injured in the ribs and shoulder area, he's favoring his right-rear leg. I told Deb, whatever the cost (within reason, of course) let's get him checked over and fixed up and see if we can get the Humane Society to take him and get him adopted out. He's a middle aged Sheltie-cross dog that obviously was someones pet that either got away from them or they dropped him off. I hope that he's not hurt too badly. Maybe I can talk the hubster in to keeping him however, with the hours that I keep teaching Yoga, taking care of a dog would be hard. I know this and accept it. Whatever happens, I'm glad that I had a bleeding heart this morning and stopped to rescue the dog. (soft tears)
Vet Update: Buddy ate some food and is jumping around in the kennel like he wants to play. They are going to Rabies vaccinate him then take him to x-ray to see what is broken and needs to be fixed. They called the Humane Society and they said that small dogs are adoptable so they should be able to take him. Dr. Deb said that he’ll need to be fostered for a while and she knows the spot – her and her three kids. Yeah!!!! The only thing better would be if I could keep him. I’m SO glad I stopped this morning!!