
I hate it! OK - I like when it's all finished and I can look around and see the fruits of my labor....BUT....getting it to that point is a real pain in the ...hmmm...rump! :-)

I took a look at my schedule for the next month and figured that I should get a jump start on my fall cleaning whilst I had three days off in a row.

So far I have three rooms torn apart and none of them are totally clean! Grrrrrr!

It's that procrastinating perfectionist in me. If I could just learn to do a room a week (or even month) and take my time, it wouldn't be so stressful. Nope, not for me. I wait until I'm under the gun - then I go with both guns blazing and exhaust myself! Hmmm, definitely a character flaw! ~L~

Oh well - at least I'm cleaning and doing something. Goes back to my favorite saying - which applies to anything in life really: Diet, exercise, housecleaning, cooking, "Something is better than nothing!" ~LOL~

Have a great day folks! Enjoy the weekend!



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