Dog Update

Hello folks - here is the latest news on little Bella.

Dr. Deb called this morning to tell me that she has taken Bella home to foster for a few days. The little dog seems to be doing well but having issues with it's digestive/elimination system. She is getting twice daily medications to help with that. Although she is experiencing some loose/bloody stools, Dr. Deb feels that she'll be fine in a few days.

Bella also apparently seems to be well trained - in that she sits, speaks, shakes and rolls over on command. She also is house-broken - she won't mess in her kennel. Dr. Deb says that she is also great with kids and cats....pretty much a perfect dog (which she says is almost unheard of!) ~L~

We also have received news from the local dog catcher (city) that she had reports of a dog roaming loose for three weks on (or around) the highway between town and the oil tanks west of town. I'm thinking that maybe the dog got loose at one of the rest areas? There have no reports of anyone looking for a dog of this type however. Who knows. I'm just thankful that it was destiny that our paths crossed and I was able to help the cute little dog out. Here is a picture of Bella that I took when I went to say "goodbye" to her.

Isn't she a cutie? They clipped her hair and given her two baths and brushed her so that her coat was clean and not so scruffy looking as it was when I brought her in.

I won't be able to take little Bella. I could tell the Dr. Deb is quite smitten with her and she even said that she was going to try and talk Dr. Greg in to letting her stay with them. Good luck Deb! I feel that Bella needs to go to a loving family - and what better than two Dr.'s and their three adorable kids! However, if she loses the argument - little Bella should be at the Humane Society within a week or two.

I'm a little sad that I can't keep her and shed a few tears this morning after I hung up the phone, but I know that this is the right thing for Bella.

Maybe I can ask for visitation rights?! :-)


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