Monday, August 4, 2008

Had one of those days

You know, Mondays - especially those after a fantabulous weekend - are kind of a let down anyways. Then when you aren't feeling well.... need I say more?

I was feeling a little (ok...a LOT) under the weather and decided to go to the walk-in clinic during my lunch hour. Three hours later I'm walking out of the clinic and headed for home cuz I still ain't feelin so hot. The hubster drove in to town to make sure that I was alright to drive home. Without going in to my medical history on the net (cuz that would just be wrong!), I'll just say this... I'm doing fine, and I'm not gonna croak doing a down-dog. (hehehe) Just had a little hitch in my giddyup! :-)

I took a nap (perhaps all the excitement of the weekend caught up with this body of mine!)and I'm feeling better.

Today all of my California cousins are headed home. Gosh am I gonna miss them! My sister Peg and I went down to my brothers house (where the CA cousins stayed) yesterday and spent the day with them. We talked some more, laughed some more, and even took a tour down to the cemetary where our grandparents (and in my case, parents) are buried. We drove to the home farm of my grandparents and hooked up with Paula and Larry (grandchildren still living on the home place). Thank you both for the tour! It had been ages since I've been in the house and the barn. Aunt Nanny was ever the hostess, and Paula, you take right after her. Hmmm...I wonder if you make those scrumptious pies just like she did? :-)

We took a drive past my home farm - or, where my home farm used to be. It was destroyed in a huge F5 tornado three years ago. My heart fell when I came up over the hill and didn't see anything but a corn field. Everything gone....except the memories - which I cherish dearly!

For those cousins far away, I will be working on uploading pictures to a website - yet to be determined - and offer you the same option as well. Hopefully we can get some fabulous pictures and make a memory book out of this reunion of ours. Oh yeah...we've already got a date set of August 6, 2011 for the next Cousins Reunion! Yippee!

Travel safely California crew! Love and miss you already!
Quote for the Day: Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future. - Gail Lumet Buckley

1 comment:

JDB said...

The next reunion will be on my wedding anniversary! Yipee.
Sorry we couldn't make it. Things are crazy here at the lab.
Hope you feel better.

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...