Saturday, November 22, 2008


I visited Vic and Sharon today. I cried. Sharon had told me a few days ago that Vic was going down hill fast, but I didn't comprehend what she was saying until I saw with my own eyes today. The change is so drastic frome my last visit with them lat week.

He is non-responsive now. I got real close to him and whispered, "hey ornery, it's me, Sherry...I've come to give you a little grief." He did open his eyes - briefly - and made an attempt to squeeze my hand, but that is all. It is so sad to see a good friend go through this pain and suffering. I said a prayer for him this morning and asked the good Lord to "ease his suffering and bring him home."

Sharon is a the epitome of a rock. She has been by Vic's side - non wavering. She held me while I cried, it should have been the other way around.

Words, at a time like this, are just words. We all mean well, but it doesn't ease the pain and helplessness of having to watch a loved one die. I've asked Sharon to call if she needs anything, but she quietly looked at "pops" and said, "I have everything I need right now."

Life - it truly is something to be lived and treasured.

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