Soul Therapy
I'm not a Church attender. I've always had this ebb and flow relationship with the Church throughout my life. It draws me in for a period of time, and then the gypsy spirit in me needs to leave. I'll go back at some point; I always do.
Normally I'm out on my bike on Sunday mornings. It's where I find time for myself to think, to laugh, cry, shout, smile, dream, hope and Believe. Today I felt the need to walk. I bundled up and hit the pavement to the park.
It was a brisk 27 degrees, overcast and frosty; absolutely beautiful. I walked three miles (or 3 times around the park). It didn't seem like I had gone that far because my mind was so busy thinking through things on the first time around. The second time around I got outside my head and noticed the beauty around me. I recited my "I Am Sherry" mantra and slowed down. The third time through was purely for the sheer joy and love of being outdoors in Church. It's been a place where I feel the closest to God and the Universe's energy.
I did some soul therapy this morning.