Need to Engage Filter

Ever opened up your mouth and said something and instantly regretted it?   Said what's on your mind and in your heart only to see the look on the other person's face and know that they didn't appreciate your candor; it was one of those moments when you should have shut your mouth and kept your words to yourself?
Ya, me too.  Big Time!
I hurt someone deeply by opening my mouth - and vomiting words that should have been best kept unsaid.   And I regret it, so very very much.   I'm afraid that I've done irreparable damage to a relationship  and no amount of apologizing will help the situation.  More than likely it'll hurt it more because of my big mouth. 
Honesty is not the best policy in some cases.  


Rob said…
Yeah, I guess at one time or another we've all messed up big time by either thoughtless actions and/or words towards another. All I can suggest, based on how I've handled things in the past, is to let a little time pass (to give the offended person time to "cool down" a tad) and then take that person aside and sincerely tell them of your deep regret for your words. It might not restore things as they were before between you two but it's worth a shot. If they still can't forgive you for your harsh words (even though in your heart you might still feel that you were right in your opinion) then at least you tried to heal fences. Then it's best that you just let it go. Lesson learned. So that's my suggestion, for what it's worth. Communication, communication, communication. Putting yourself in the other person's shoes is the strategy.

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