Back to Work Monday

I could have used more time off from work.  But I am here, tackling my inbox and finding some sort of order in the chaos.

Yesterday Peggy and I drove to Bismarck to help Ron and Lisa write thank you cards.  It was a good drive there; weather was beautiful and company was nice. Peg and I discovered we haven't really had alone time in quite some time.  The miles flew by so quickly.  In all honesty, we could have driven to Montana and back and still wouldn't have had enough time.

Ron seems to be holding up OK, all things considered. As life settles down for him and his kids, I'm sure they'll settle in to a routine...a new normal.  It'll take time though, and I hope the give themselves that.

Thanksgiving is this week.  We'll be at my sister Pegs house again this year.  I'm in charge of buns and wine.  I can handle that.

Friday is the annual Holiday Parade of Lights.  JRCC is going to try for a 3-Peat in the best float category.   The call has been made for parade walkers.  Everyone in my department has other obligations.  I'm going to sit this one out in the comfort of The Grille, eating tasty food and drinking toasty drinks with a few of my close friends. 

So a busy week ahead as I try and regain some normalcy to my life and mind.


Rob said…
Speaking of parades, we tundra folk here just had our annual Santa Claus parade yesterday (#112) and, although we didn't go downtown to see it, it was televised later in the afternoon. As luck would have it, yesterday we also got our first taste of s-n-o-w! (which totally covered the ground by this morning. brrrrrrr! :-)
Sherry said…
So glad that you have had your first taste of snow. It's missed my area far. That might change tomorrow. Stay warm!!
Rob said…
Welp, last night we got another light dusting of snow here in Toronto - but nothing like the 6.8 inches of snow that my mom and my bro (and his family) received in Montreal yesterday. I guess winter has arrived. Stay warm yourself and let's get the wine out! :-)

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