Sunday, November 30, 2014
On Friday night I walked in a parade. That's a first for me. I've watched plenty of them but never walked in one. JRCC A-shift (and friends) constructed a float that ultimately won "Most Original" float of the parade. It was an amazing concept of a gift, wrapped with a bow and tag "From JRCC." But, the sides opened up to reveal a family sitting I in front of the fire place and the Christmas tree. It was a brilliant concept and executed beautifully. Thank you A-shift. I walked with an ICAP dog named Ida. She's a pretty little golden lab. Our start to the evening was a little rough as I scared her by wearing a bombardier hat. However, we made up and she did very well through the parade considering it was her first parade too. It was blooming cold though. And I loved every single minute of it!
JRCC has been very short staffed. Every day the Admin Captain sends out emails about shift open to work. I bit the bullet and signed up for a shift which was last night. I signed up for the 2-10 shift and worked with A-shift in the SAU (Special Assistance Unit) for the criminally disturbed inmates. It was quite interesting. I was very nervous but towards the end of the shift I was settling in to the routine. I was on guard with everything and everyone (inmates). I observed the stellar work of the correctional officers as they interacted with inmates that could turn on them in a heartbeat. They seemed relaxed but I knew they were ready to react in a heartbeat. They're professionals and great at what they do. One of the officers asked me if I had a good shift. I replied, "I guess so." He's an older man who is actually retiring today due to health issues (cancer). He smiled and asked me these questions. 1) Did anyone escape? 2) Did anyone die? 3) Are you going home? When I answered No, No and Yes, he said, "Then you had a good shift." (Thank you Lloyd).
I was fortunate to work with A-shift. I have a lot of friends on A-shift. They helped me be not quite as nervous and filled me in on what to expect. I've worked at the prison for 15 years but this is only the 2nd shift that I've worked. Now that I know I can be an effective shift member, I will sign up for another shift if needed - and my schedule allows.
Monday, November 17, 2014
This quote was on my calendar today. Loved it so much I had to share:
The capacity for caring illuminates any relationship. The more people you care about, and the more intensely you care, the more alive you are
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Where To Start
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Feel Alive
As for me, having Ella has brought back memories from when my mother and grandmother were in the nursing home. In fact, Ella is in the same room that my grandmother was in. She was 94 when she passed away in '95. In a lot of respects, they remind me of each other.
I'm doing alright for the most part. I feel an incredible amount of stress laying on my shoulders right now. Work is definitely busy and challenging. I am getting more work projects piled on me; I'm expected to do more with no extra time (or pay). I keep telling myself that it's job security and I can handle anything they throw at me and it's my time to show them just how valuable of an employee I am. :) Then there is the incredible low morale at work. It seems that no one is happy - from management all the way down to line staff. I have so many people coming to me with their thoughts, concerns and issues - that I feel this overwhelming need to Fix it. Somehow. I had a letter drafted to send to the members of the Management Team, but I thought better of it. Timing is everything and that letter was written after three glasses of wine after a particularly emotional day. While I haven't hit the Send button, I WILL find a way to convey the concerns of the many who have trusted in me to listen to them.
The title of this post is Feel Alive. I have to keep reminding myself to Live Each Day- to be present in the moment and not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to happy whether I worry about it or not. So I find things that make me feel good and stress less. I went for an incredible bike ride yesterday. I rode 15 miles through the Pipestem and towards my house. Incredible and beautiful. The memory of sitting on waters edge enjoying the view will be forever etched in my memories. I was Alive and in the moment; peaceful is the only way it could be described. Reality did rear it's ugly head later in the day as I visited Ella in the nursing home, but I was more able to handle it because of the peaceful and enjoyable morning that I'd had.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
I spent the night with my mother in law. She hasn't been doing well the past week. She is experiencing a lot of pain, hasnt been eating and is very unstable on her feet.
After several trips to the doctor and emergency room, Tom made the decision to place her in a nursing home. Today she'll go to Ava Maria. Change isn't easy for anyone but especially for Ella. I fear that this is thw beginning of the end for this sweet lady. I also know that Tom is going to have his hands full with family. They've never been close at all..but am sure that this will cement the dissention between them.
I will have to be strong for both of them.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Vacation is almost over!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Day 6 of Vacation
Day 5 of Vacation
Monday, August 25, 2014
Day 4 of Vacation
We had one funny moment when we came over a mountain pass . We heard a loud POP! We both looked at each other and T said, "Did somebody shoot at us?" LOL No, it was just a bag of popped popcorn that popped open from the altitude.
My breath was taken away when we came up over the hill and there they were, shrouded in clouds, dark and majestic. The closer we got, my eyes were constantly glued to the breathtaking beauty. I posted a picture on Facebook that said, "I believe I saw God today." I meant it. I had tears in my eyes. I was so moved. And the day just got better from there.
We found a room IN Jackson Hole Wyoming. O! M! G!!! I've ALWAYS wanted to visit this place...and here I am..STAYING here!! Once we got our stuff in the room we set out on the trails up through the mountains. Gorgeous and a little frightening. Can't say that I'm a fan of looking over the edge and seeing how long a drop off was. T drove up but I drove on the way down. He's been battling headaches which seem to get worse with altitude. I can honestly say I don't like it when a big semi is riding my a$$ on the way down. I just prayed that his brakes held out. LOL
We got back to Jackson Hole and walked around downtown. My goodness the neat and unique things they have in this town. And a WHOLE lot of people.
Good thing is I found my perfect log home...too bad I don't have a cool $2 million to purchase it. One word...LOTTERY! :)
Oh well, Don't Stop Beliving! :)
Signing off from Jackson Hole Wyoming
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Day 3 of Vacation
Today started out early. Up and out of the hotel by 8:00 am. It wasn't planned, it just happened. We made our way to Jewel Cave and caught their first scenic tour of the day. One hour and 30 minutes of walking and steps. It put yesterday's Wind Cave expedition to shame. Once again, T and I found ourselves directly behind the tour guide (just like yesterday), and once again, the man with all the questions was T. :) He thoroughly enjoyed picking the guide's mind and tidbits of information. Can't say that I minded at all....we were privy to some interesting tidbits of information that weren't shared with the rest of the tour.
I'm glad that I didn't hit the gym this morning as it was a good exercise as well. All of those steps were crazy! And, at one point we were 370 ft below the surface. I am slightly claustrophobic so that tidbit of information gave me a moment to pause. But I pulled up my big girl pants and trudged along with the group (with a death grip on T's hand!).
From there we headed in to Wyoming. A friend of mine from college lives in Lusk, Wyoming. Todd Hoelmer does archeological digs in that area and owns a small little show where he displays artifacts from his digs. I tried to make contact with him while we were in Lusk, but didn't have any success. Bugger.
We made our way through a whole lot of nothing! Goodness, we hardly saw an antelope. Areas of it were pretty, but between Lusk and Casper, well let's just say that I'd hate to have a flat tire.
We're in Lander Wyoming tonight in a quaint little motel called the Rodeway Pronghorn Inn. The price is right and the room is as well.
After a quick walking tour, we're settle in for the night. Tomorrow we make our way to the Tetons.
Signing off from Lander Wyoming
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Day 2 of Vacation
From there we went to Crazy Horse and saw the head that'd been carved out. It's going to be beautiful when they finish it - which will be quite a while.
Jewel Cave had an issue with the elevator due to a power surge, so they were suspending tours for the day. We backtracked and went to Wind Cave. That was absolutely amazing. My favorite part of the trip so far. T and I were first in line behind the tour guide/Ranger. There was only one more person besides T that was annoying with questions, and that was a little 6 yr old boy. lol
It was all good though. We're in Custer tonight and just got to our hotel. I'm tired. I did all the driving today as T still isn't feeling the greatest and his back is hurting quite a bit. So, I'm grateful to relax.
We're gonna try Jewel Cave in the morning then we're off to Wyoming. I'm still trying to get in contact with my college friend Todd. If we connect, I'd like to see him in Lusk.
Signing off from Custer SD
Friday, August 22, 2014
Day 1 of Vacation
We didn't actually get on the road until 9 am because of last minute things in town, but once we hit the road, it was time to hit the cruise, crank up the tunes (or as much as T would let me), and away we went.
We hit the Enchanted Highway and admired some of the iron works (I thought there would be more of them), then down to Belle Fouche and Spearfish. We found our hotel with no problems and then took off on the scenic byway. I now have another bucket list item. :)
We're planning our route through Wyoming right now...kinda...sorta. We're kinda winging it on this trip...which is good.
I have a college friend who lives in Lusk Wyoming. I've tried to make contact with him to see if he's still in town this season or out in the field digging (he digs dinosaur bones). I'd like to stop in and see him if at all possible. It's not out of our way to go that direction, so maybe we'll just go there and see if we can make contact.
I didn't hit the gym tonight....but I think I NEED to tomorrow morning before we leave. I feel like a round barrel. Uggghhh...HORMONES!!!
Signing Off from Spearfish
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Tonight at the gym: 3 sets 8 reps each of lat pulldowns 80 lbs, pushups regular, shoulder press 20 lbs, hammer curls 15 lbs, lawn mowers 30 lbs and 25 lbs (I wimped out 1/2 way through, skull crushers 25 lbs.
Two miles in the Ecliptical and 2 miles on bike
45 minutes teaching yoga.
And wasn't ready to go inside when it was so nice outside.
Soooo...since hubs wasn't home, I went to Pipestem and did 6 miles biking out there.
Now. .I'm tired.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Can a person change?
When I think about the person I was in my teens and early twenties and compare myself to the person I am today, I don't think I've changed all that much, although some would say that I have.
I'm still the Sherry that likes to laugh, is a bit of a wild-child or free spirit, a dreamer, best friend, beer and wine drinking, rock-n-roll loving, girl who believes the best is in everyone. The optimist and lover of life.
But the years have added a layer of maturity to that girl. (One should hope as I'll be 52 in a month).
The years have shown me difficulties in love and marriage, death of parents and grandparents, loss of friendships, jobs, opportunities, and disappointments and let downs too many to count. Walls have gone up, crumbled and been resurrected so many times it's hard to count. But I always manage to find the joy in life not matter how difficult the road has been.
I'm still me..just multidimensional now. Rather like peeling the layers of an onion. The layers are Life....the core is Me.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Memory Lane
Sunday, August 3, 2014
It Was Good
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Crash Day
Sunday, July 20, 2014
A year ago
Today...I was in Minot with three of my best friends attending the Journey concert at the NDSF. That night, without a doubt, goes down as one of those memories I'll take with me forever.
The day was nothing less than, the company I was with, the jubilant spirit and attitude of everyone and of course, the music of my ALL time favorite band. The night was perfect. And you know what? So is the memory of it.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
I grew up in a time when if you wanted something you worked for it. Money, body, home, car, clothes, job, relationship, food.
I see a different type of person these days. Its not what can I do for you...its what can you do for me. Starting wage? Please. They walk in to a job interview and expect the cream job with the pay to go with it. expect me to actually work to earn a paycheck? Sorry. .I dont work. I'm out here!
It's sad and I see it and hear it all the time. No one wants to drive an old beater of a car anymore or wear thrift store clothes or live on a budget. The new norm is to expect the best, get the best, without working to EARN the best.
And lets talk about the "quitting" factor. What kind of society are we when we'd rather quit than fix? Dont like something happening at work? Quit. Don't like to exercise cuz its painful or you might have to sweat? Just quit...go to the doctor for a pill...and if they don't give it to you, just quit them too.
Far too many people ..young AND old...need to learn the word patience and work ethic.
Learn how to appreciate what you have..especially when you pour your heart and soul in to working for it and EARNING it!
Better yourself, yes....EXPECT it to be handed to you. .NO!
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Dry Spell
But I think I'm out of my funk and have some things I'd like to blog about.
So be quiet spell has ended. Lucky you! :)
Stay Tuned
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Running of the Pink
Today is the Running of the Pink, a local 5 & 10K run fundraiser to benefit breast cancer. I've taken part in it before and had a blast. Unfortunately I scheduled yoga for this morning without realizing The Pink was also today.
I have several friends running or walking it today and my heart is with them. They run in honor of friends or family that have waged a battle against breast cancer or cancer in general.
My immediate family has not been affected by cancer ..thus far...and I pray that continues. It's scary and it takes far too many people from this world.
So to those running or walking today. ..I'm with you in spirit. :)
Friday, June 6, 2014
Mornings are my favorite time of day. There's something so magical about watching the sun come up. And with it the promise of good things.
I had a power yoga class this morning at 6-6:45. Although numbers were small, the energy was uplifting.
Mornings. I love them.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Our Deepest Fear
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Dang Scale
I know I shouldn't place so much importance on the numbers that greet me every morning. But I do. I have worked hard to get where I'm at and I swear by all things holy that I will NOT go back to the weight I logged 16 years ago. Never. Ever!
So while I battle this middle-aged spread thing that I have going on right now...real or perceived...I try to remember ALL of the nutrition advice I've received throughout the years from nutritionists and trainers.
Start my day with breakfast which includes a protein, carb and a fruit
Eat fruits before noon (gives body time to process the natural sugars)
Don't eat any carbs after 5pm. (gives body time to process carbs in to sugars)
Focus on protein
Quit drinking pop - even diet (too much sodium)
Drink water and lots of it
To lose 1lb of fat in one week, I need to cut 3,500 calories out of my diet
One lb of muscle burns an extra 50 calories per day - resting. *Takeaway - Lift weights!*
Stay away from processed carbs - white sugar, white flour.
Pretty sure there is more but these are the ones that stand out in my head.
The numbers on the scale don't define who I am...I just know that I feel much MUCH better when I'm seeing lighter numbers on the scale. Clothes fit better, I'm not as tired and I feel more motivated to make the daily changes I need to make when I see progress.
So, I pack my lunch every day and stay away from fast food. I treat myself but hit the gym as soon as possible to work off those extra calories.
I know I'm not alone in my battle. There is comfort in knowing my misery is shared with others. So may we support each other in our weight loss vision quest and defeat the scale!
Friday, May 2, 2014
He is in the training phase and needs to be able to have exposure to all kinds of stimulus. As soon as he hit the main gate, he had exposure. Oh my gosh! It's a wonder that I have an arm left. I do not know if it was a combination of coming out of the facility, me being female or the fact that I didn't enforce the commands sternly enough. Whatever it was, Elliott wasn't the stellar dog that I felt he should've been.
He wouldn't sit or stay when commanded. I had to repeat a command more than once...and in training, that isn't good. It means the dog isn't focused on me, the handler.
I've had four dogs out now and I haven't had any problems with any of them until today. I didn't give him very good marks on his "outing report card." But I also stated that I felt it was a combination of things that made him hyper.
I'm not easily defeated. I will take Elliott out again, and I will make sure that he gets a better score.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Attitude and Disappointment
JRCC is in the middle of a huge...I mean, HUGE, transformation. The Warden of 16 years took another position within the DOCR. His vacancy left the door open for upward movement through the ranks. We've recently hired (from within) a new Warden, Deputy Warden, Chief of Security, Unit Manager, new Captain, two new Lieutenants and two new Lieutenants.
With all of those promotions comes both joy, for those who received the promotions, and disappointment for those who were not fortunate to be promoted.
There are so many hard feelings running through the staff. Why did "they" get it over me? I've been here longer! I've worked hard to get where I'm at! What could I have done differently? I deserved the promotion, they didn't.
I feel for them. I do. I wish everyone could come out on top. But there are only so many positions and not everyone can win.
For those that were promoted, I congratulate you. I have opinions about some of those promotions, but will not voice them. Time will tell whether the right decisions were made. PERFORMANCE will confirm it.
For those that were not promoted....I say this....take a long, hard look at yourself. Were you really prepared for the interview? Do you view each day as a learning experience. Do you know the facility and the daily in's and out's or running it? Or do you go through the day on autopilot and just 'put in the time'? What can YOU do better each and every day when you report to the front gate?
Are you a negative nelly - always the first to play the blame game? Or are you one to take charge and dig down deep and go that extra mile to help fix that which is wrong? Are you quick to criticize and the last to applaud effort? Are you really a team player when it counts? Or do you have that sense of entitlement?
Morale is low....there is a lot of negative vibrations going through the facility. I'm doing what I can to bring morale up...but I'm only one person. Small things mean a lot...true...but it's going to take a whole lot of small things to turn things around. Management has a long road ahead of them. Change, in any organization, is inevitable. It's how that change is handled that determines the final outcome.
Attitude can make or break an organization or institution. Let's hope it doesn't break ours. We can't afford to show weakness in front of the inmates. But I'm afraid that's already happened.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Happy Easter
I cook dinner for my in-laws today. Originally it was just going to be me, T and Ella but I invited Bill and Jackie yesterday. I always make far too much food as it is so I knew I had plenty. I haven't seen them since they came back from wintering in Arizona. Ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, burnt buns and orange dreamsicle jello soup (my jello wouldn't set). Oh, and Angelfood cake with strawberries, glaze and whipped cream.
As I was slicing the store bought Angelfood cake, I remembered my mother. Angelfood was her absolute favorite. She used to make them from scratch and when she did, she'd make 4 or 5 at a time. She didn't frost them or anything - it was just plain, no fuss, no muss. When she was on kidney dialysis, us kids would treat her once in a while with a piece or two. Her eyes would light up and her smile would grow wider. She loved her Angelfood cake. So today, I remembered my mom as I sliced the cake. I smiled as I had my first bite and thought of her.
After everyone left and T went out to look for arrowheads, I changed clothes and went for a bike ride. I bought a mountain bike at Scheels on Thursday. Why? Why not?! Since I cannot run anymore and the doctor said that riding bike would be good for my knee to keep it moving and to strengthen the muscle., I decided to purchase a bike and give it a shot.
I took it for it's maiden voyage today. It went pretty good. I didn't fall off or go ass over tea kettle. The gravel is a little tough to ride on though as the gravel stones threaten my forward motion. lol I'm going to have to find some prairie trails to ride so that I don't get thrown from my aluminum ride.
I went 3 miles today. It feels good...I can tell I am going to need a few gloves being one of them. The grooves of the handlebars were cutting in to my hand. Of course, perhaps it was the death grip I had on them that was the cause of the pain and not the grooves :) I can tell already that I'm going to have fun on the bike...exploring and just getting out in nature. Thursday nights, Friday nights and Saturdays and Sundays are going to be riding days.
What's on deck for the upcoming week? Yoga and gym...pretty much the story of my life.
Have a good one everyone.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Pearls of Wisdom
living it yourself.
b. speak positively - always - India Arie sings a song called 'Get it together' in which she says "because the words that come from your mouth, you're the first to hear. Speak words of beauty and you will be there. No matter what anybody says, what matters most is what you think of yourself" The idea is that whatever comes from you... comes out of you, originates from within. When we say something mean, or crude, or crass... when we swear... the ugly things that are uttered come from inside us and reflect who we are. Most of us are a lot better than that... show your best side when you speak - you do a disservice to yourself if you show anything less. Let go of those things inside you that are not who you really want to be, you are the master of your future... you own it, it's all yours. You write it. You make it. You do it. Blame no one else. Speaking positively all the time (or at least as often as possible) keeps your mind in a positive state, improves your mood, and improves the moods of those around you. There's not really a downside!
c. forgive yourself & forgive others - we are all human, fallible as a consequence of birth. We make mistakes. Sometimes the wrong that we do is intentional and then we regret it later. Carrying guilt around in your heart does you no good, nor does it benefit anyone else. There is no benefit to guilt, not even to one who tries to give it. If you are sorry for a wrong you've done, say you are sorry - not expecting forgiveness, only because you truly are sorry. Apologize and then walk away. If you are forgiven, great! If not, it is irrelevant. Is your apology contingent on it's acceptance? It shouldn't be. You are admitting a mistake, it's up to the other person to accept it or not, and that has nothing to do with you; you did your part, you said you were sorry... let the guilt go and be at peace. Dragging guilt around with you only weighs you down and holds you back. Don't do that to yourself, no one is going to save you from it. You have to let it go... and walk away.
d. laugh often, love much, forgive always (even if you don't forget - these are two totally different things) and choose to make some of your dreams happen, even if they are just little ones.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Seems like every day we are faced with change of some sort.
Today the new warden of JRCC was a announced. He's worked at the JRCC for 16 years. I like him snd believe he'll do a good job. But with the announcement comes realization of change within our office and the JRCC. It should be interesting around here to say the least.
Fasten the seatbelts and stay tuned.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
The visit started out alright but didn't end well. I turned in to the aunt from hell when he made light of the situation he was in and refused to accept that alcohol played a role in his hospitalization. Travis comes from a line of alcoholics; his grandfather, his uncles, his father. Although Tom and his brother Bill are sober and have been for over 30 years now, Travis' father, Doug, drinks - again (he was sober and started up again within the last 5 years).
Our other nephew, Robert, has been through this with Travis before, although not to this extent. Tom has been in contact with Robert about how to deal with Travis and his addiction but has yet to speak with Travis. I, on the other hand, want to get in Travis' face and make him realize that he cannot do this to his body anymore. The next time he may not be so lucky.
He's transferred to a nursing home here in Jamestown to get stronger with physical and occupational therapy before he can go to the State Hospital for treatment. The sad thing is, there is virtually no family support for him. His mother is on the west coast, his sisters are on the east coast as his is father. The family he has here is Robert, Tom and me (Bill is in AZ dealing with his own health issues).
I've never had to deal with anyone battling alcohol addiction. I'm a fixer...and I want to fix this, him...but I cannot. It's something that he has to do himself.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Valentine's Day
I remember the days of yesteryear when I used to spend weeks designing my Valentine's box. I'd consult with my father on size and materials and what I should say on it. He had the patience of a Saint when I would coerce him in to helping me build the masterpiece. We could be found forehead to forehead with the Elmers Glue, duct tape, wrapping paper or brown bags..whatever was handy.
Mom would stay in the background but was always quick at hand when we needed another opinion. She'd put her two cents in, usually accompanied with popcorn and a cup of hot cocoa, then head back to the kitchen to finish the cupcakes or cookies I'd carry with pride to school the next day.
Mom would sit with me for hours and help me pick out just the right valentine for each of my classmates. She always affirm my decision with a nod of the head or "that would be perfect for her/him". And she was always so interested to see the ones I received in return.
It was a simple time. It was the best of times. The love my parents had for me was amazing.
Today I I miss those I love.
Happy Valentine's Day to those in my life.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Promise Yourself
to be so strong that nothing
can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity
to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel
that there is something in them
To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.
To think only the best, to work only for the best,
and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past
and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear,
and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
It was a small group of ladies; seven of us. We shared some wonderful food that Sarena prepared with the sole purpose of complimenting the wine. It was scrumptious! The food was good too! :)
What was even better was time spent with friends. I got to see Ginny Kleven again and gave her a big hug. She's a wonderful lady who has had some heartache recently in her life. She just lost her sister-in-law to cancer. As she was leaving she told me that her brother Mark isn't doing well. He's down in Texas at the Cancer Center and is to the point of being put in a nursing home as he isn't strong enough to make the trip back home to ND. She cried. All I could do was hold her and tell her that I was here for her whenever she needed me. I felt for her; I will keep her, her brother Mark and the entire Kartes family in my prayers.
Donna, Sarena and I went to The Buff to the farewell party of Julie Montgomery, an educator at JRCC who resigned her position as of Friday. Though I do not know the full reason for her resignation, I suspect there was a lot of internal conflict between Bismarck Central Office and the staff at JRCC. She was good and implemented a lot of good things for the inmates at JRCC. I wish her well.
Donna and I made a quick stop at IDK before I took her home and hit the road myself. For some reason I am getting free XM-Sirus radio - I believe it to be a promotional thing - and I hit on 80's on 8. A perfect way to end an enjoyable evening out with friends - the Journey song "Only The Young" hit the airwaves.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
My Mother-In-Law
We did go shopping and I made sure to keep an eye on her in the store; I was never very far away from her. When we got home, I sat with her and we talked for a little while. The truth came out. My mother-in-law, for the first time ever in my presence, broke down and cried.
She is so worried about her sons Bill, Leroy and Doug, as well as her granddaughter Pennie. She worries continually and today it was too much for her. She cried; I cried. I gave her a hug and she just sobbed, "I feel so helpless. I cannot help any one of them."
I felt helpless because I couldn't help her. I held her and shed tears right along with her. I tried to comfort her and tell her that she has to let them lead their own lives and that no one can fix their lives but themselves.
She's a 93 year old lady who shouldn't have to worry about her grown sons and grandchildren.
I guess it doesn't matter as long we continue to get together.
I smiled when I walked in saw the three of them sitting at the table, eating popcorn and chicken wings. After the day I had on Thursday, they were exactly what I needed.
We had so much to discuss and so much ground to cover! I don't think any of us came up for air until we were ready to leave! We had good food and drink and covered all the important topics - family, health, weather, family, what we do with our days, family, family, family.
Our mother passed away 20 years ago on the 29th (Wednesday), so we took a moment to remember her, and of course, our father.
We really are quite fortunate that we are all in close proximity of each other - all within a 100 miles - and still relatively healthy. (We won't get on the subject of those aches and pains that keep popping up on us).
My sister Pat is the oldest. She was out of the house raising her family when I was born; there are 21 years between us. When I was younger that used to bother me a lot because she didn't seem like a sister to me. We didn't have all that much in common. But as I've become older we have become closer and I treasure her beyond belief. Of all of my sisters, she reminds me the most of our mother. She loves her family so much and it is that quality that I admire in her the most.
As I sit here and write this, I smile and think about all the good times I have had with my sisters. We may not speak with each other every day, week or month - but when we do get together there is nothing stronger than the bond of sisters.
I love them all so very very much and only wish that I could spend more time with them.
We will make a point of getting together as soon as we can to laugh and be together, as sisters. We need to take advantage of the time we have together.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
I love the questions people ask. When they receive an unsatisfactory answer they're bound and determind to get it out of you.
It's quite comical. The less I say, the more they ask. I know these people well. They are less concerned about my welfare and more focused on a juicy piece of gossip that can be spread about until eventually any residue of truth is lost with each telling.
I saw a quote recently that amused me.
"Better to hear it from the horses mouth than from some jackass spreading rumors and gossip."
How true is that?!
If you're part of my circle of "besties" you will hear from me. If you want to know something, ask me. If I want you to know I will tell you. That simple.
Next time someone with questionable motives asks me a question I choose not to answer, they'll get a smile and. "Why do you want to know?
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Sunday, January 19, 2014
My FitBit
The idea is to register 10,000 steps - which supposedly is equivalent to 5 miles.
I've been wanting one for some time now. So I was excited to strap it on my wrist and see just how much activity I get each day. Surely , between the gym and my yoga classes, I hit that 10,000 step goal each and every day.
I was amazed at how little activity I get daily. Most of days I average between 7500 - 8500 steps. I have a desk job and I try consciously to get off my chair at least once or twice an hour just to break up the monotony of what I'm doing and to stretch out my body. But at the end of an 8 hour work day I'm lucky if I have 3000 steps. Thank goodness for yoga and the gym because they help me get the steps that I do get.
Today I hit the gym and did an hour of cardio and walked around Wal-Mart - My fit bit is registering 6,112 steps. What??!! I have until bedtime to register another 3,888 steps. Guess I'm going to have to do some jumping jacks, lunges and maybe some pushups or something. Hmmmm....maybe!
The other nifty part of this fit bit thing is that you can compete with other fit bit users to see who can get the most steps. Now I'm a competitive person - with myself. I'm not so concerned with competing with others right now, as I am with getting my numbers higher than they are.
I have already determined that starting this week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (my non-gym days), I'm going to walk through the administration building during my lunch - all four floors (steps included), and also do some time on the Eliptical for the remainder of the time. I do not need 45 minutes to drink my protein shake and/or eat my soup. I could be doing some exercise that will benefit me in the long run . both mentally and physically.
On a side note - I've already made the decision that this spring I am going to get a mountain bike and ride the trails out at the Rreservoir and explore the Pipestem Dam. I need something that'll get me outdoors and enjoying the beautiful weather. And, since I cannot run and the doctor suggested bicycling as exercise and to strengthen my knee and quads, that's my exercise of choice. Yes, it'll be spendy, but I figure that my health and mental well being is worth it! (The heck with the nay-sayers!).
I wonder how many steps my fit bit will register then? Might just have to open my profile up then and start competing with the Lorenzs, Jacksons and Voeltzs! lol
PS: The one time my fit bit exceeded 10,000 steps was last week Saturday at the JRCC party. I registered 13,756! Who says dancing isn't good exercise (for body and soul!) LOL
Thursday, January 16, 2014
I'm amazed at how judgemental or intolerant society has become. We're quick to bring the gavel down on a person simply because they are different. Negativity is abundant everywhere you look. Is it a wonder we feel defeated before we get out of bed and start our day.
Just once I'd like to hear praise instead of cutting words or judgement. No one is perfect and if you think you are, ask someone. They'll be all too happy to inform you of your shortcomings.
Tired in ND
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Sometimes All You Need To Do is Bust a Move!
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Post Holiday Yucks
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Deep Freeze
So far today I've:
breaded/browned goose legs and put them in the crock pot with a cream sauce
cleaned the bathroom - more like disinfected everything that the cold germ can live on
made caramel rolls
swept the kitchen floor, vacuumed and dusted (I hate dusting)
set the coffee maker for tomorrow
packed my yoga bag for tomorrow (1st class of 2014!)
done three loads of laundry, folded and put away
What I still need to do:
update my yoga blog
pack my lunch for tomorrow
put my yoga stuff back in my vehicle
I definitely have more energy than I did last weekend when I was down and out. I'm still at 70% of my normal me but trying hard not to push it too hard. I don't want a relapse of whatever I was sick with. It's going to be difficult as it is due to my schedule. M - Yoga, Tue-gym and Yoga, Wed - Yoga, Thur - Gym. Friday - off, Sat - Gym, Sun - Gym. (Saturday and Sunday gym dates are depending on how I'm feeling).
Hubster is suffering through a relapse this weekend. I think he's been awake a total of maybe 2 hours all day. His fever spiked last night but its down to a low grade fever far. He's in the bedroom watching his shows and I'm in the living room doing the channel flipping thing.
I have nervous energy. I've spent more time at home in the last two weeks than I have in the last three months. I took two weeks off from yoga so give my body a break. I think the Higher Power had me get sick cuz the Universe knew that I'd pack all my days/nights with activities on the free nights off from yoga. I had no choice but to stay home and rest. lol.
Tomorrow will be my first full week of work in two. Yuck. BUT...I'm off on the 17th for Martin Luther King Jr. a short week is in the sights. Do-able.
I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight! January felt like it was an entire year. This week felt like someone was holding my...
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And just like that, the year of January has ended. Thank goodness! It was long, cold, dark and depressing! February shows promise of what is...
I always struggle with some people's work ethic, or lack thereof. I've always been raised with the mindset that if there is work to...