Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sometimes All You Need To Do is Bust a Move!

Sometimes all you need is a night out with friends to shake the funk.
Last night was the annual JRCC Holiday Party - this year hosted by B shift as it was their days off. 
I  had mixed emotions about going (some days I wanted it and other days I didn't want to go) because of the funk that I've been in lately.   But I donned my Sioux hockey jersey and made my way to the KC Hall at 430 to meet with my friends Vickie and Donna for a pre- party drink.
I made the right decision in going as those two women - each representing a very important part of my "bestie" circle of friends - made me feel better immediately.   Their hugs, smiles and laughter lifted my spirits and made me forget about my funk.
As others arrived that feeling of buoyancy intensified.  Drinks were shared, laughter was abundant, the joy of friendship was evident.  I was able to give hugs to Holly, who has spent the last 9 months battling cancer - and Won!  Her hugs, her smiles and her sheer joy at being able to celebrate life in the moment was a reminder to me to live each day.  I learned that another co-worker is in the hospital in Fargo with cancer.  My heart goes out to you Lloyd; you'll be in my daily thoughts and prayers in hopes that you, too, can beat this. 
Everyone has a battle they are fighting, but that battle can be just a little bit lighter when the burden is shared with friends who care about you and love you. 
B-shift outdone themselves with a funny program, crowd participating with JRCC Jeopardy, a dance-off , beer pong, prize drawings, and other activities.  But the fun part came when the dancing started.  It didn't matter who you danced with because everyone was dancing with everyone. 
It was joy; it was uplifting.  It's impossible to have a bad time if you have happy feet - and I had happy feet.  
 I don't get to dance often (hubs hates dancing), so when I get the opportunity to put on my boogie shoes, I grab it with both hands...errrr....feet...whatever.  lol.    Thank you to ALL of my dancing partners.  A big thank you to my co-worker (aka yoga student) Mike for requesting Free by Zac Brown Band and asking me to dance with him.  He and his wife Michelle are such wonderful spirits in my life - I can't thank them enough for their subtle  words of encouragement this week.   ((hugs to both of you)).  I truly now them as my friends in life. 
I was homeward bound when the song "Don't Stop Believing" came over the radio.  Several times this week that song came on the radio - once played by a wonderful DJ Chris Kodiak who knows of my love for Journey and dedicated it to me. 
Yes, sometimes the way to forget about the funk for a little while, is to bust a move and Believe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You, my friend, are a source of joy and peace in my life. I am inspired by your strength and your love. Even when life sends you struggles, your light shines through. I'm so glad that you are feeling better! It really was a great night, wasn't it? We also heard "Don't Stop Believing" at the end of our night at the after party by the band at the Buff. Mike and I talked about you when we got home. He said that he was going to have to give you grief for not joining us because, after all, they played your song!
Love ya, girl!

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...