Thursday, January 9, 2014

Post Holiday Yucks

I do not know why but I have a case of the yucks.  No, that's not true.  I DO know why I have the yucks.
The holidays are over, the winter is 40 days long (since our first snow) and it's been brutally cold, I've been sick with a monumental cold since Christmas, hubs has been very sick.  And I have friends going through some dark times in their lives (and my heart aches for them).  Oh, and it's tax season. 
All perfectly good reasons to put me in this funk that I'm in.   I literally haven't been eating for a couple of days because my stomach is upset.  When I do eat, nothing tastes good.  Have to admit, that's not a bad thing when it comes to the scale.  (Those holiday pounds are now gone).
I try hard not to slide in to a slump but this time of year always gets to me; I struggle every year.  This depression or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) sucks.  And I'm not alone. I have a friend experiencing  sadness also.  I'm not able to be my usual supportive self, it's even more frustrating.  I hope they know that I'm here for them with whatever they may need.  I don't want to be  pushy  and keep hounding saying "I'm here for you" all the time.  I know how I feel when I'm going through personal stuff.  I need space to get inside my head and to find my way through the darkness.   I'm thinking that's the way they're choosing to deal with it too and I understand. 
2014 is already starting to be a year of change. 
Today was interesting at work.  The Warden announced that he's leaving effective March 1st to take another "new" position within the DOCR.  It's going to make things interesting at JRCC for the next 2-3 months as the application/interview process starts.  If it's filled with someone in house, whose position will open up next?
The trainers at Anytime Fitness are leaving their corporation Ultra-Body Fitness and will be managed by the owner of AF, Matt.  Personally I think this change will be a good one...I hope.  They were talking about raising my rates, but I was quite vocal about it.  I've had trainers ever since they opened and I locked in one of the lowest rates available.  They listened...for now.
I do not know what other changes are in store...but whatever they are, I hope that I'm in the right frame of mind to handle them.  

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