I love the questions people ask. When they receive an unsatisfactory answer they're bound and determind to get it out of you.
It's quite comical. The less I say, the more they ask. I know these people well. They are less concerned about my welfare and more focused on a juicy piece of gossip that can be spread about until eventually any residue of truth is lost with each telling.
I saw a quote recently that amused me.
"Better to hear it from the horses mouth than from some jackass spreading rumors and gossip."
How true is that?!
If you're part of my circle of "besties" you will hear from me. If you want to know something, ask me. If I want you to know I will tell you. That simple.
Next time someone with questionable motives asks me a question I choose not to answer, they'll get a smile and. "Why do you want to know?