Pearls of Wisdom

I received this in an email a long time ago and saved it.  I'd forgotten that I had it until I was looking through folders for something else.   I thought that I'd share it with all of you :)

a. take good care of yourself... oftentimes we think we should put our families and others ahead of us, but if we do that, then who would they rely on when we fall sick or aren't giving 100% because we don't have it to give? sleep good, eat healthy, dress well, exercise, meditate (prayer, quiet time, whatever... give your mind some 'away' time too). Not only does this give us the strength and energy to care for others, it is an excellent role model for our friends and families... people learn behaviors from watching not from listening. How many of us would tell our children 'do as I say, not as I do'... change that. Show them how you want them to be by
living it yourself.

b. speak positively - always - India Arie sings a song called 'Get it together' in which she says "because the words that come from your mouth, you're the first to hear. Speak words of beauty and you will be there. No matter what anybody says, what matters most is what you think of yourself" The idea is that whatever comes from you... comes out of you, originates from within. When we say something mean, or crude, or crass... when we swear... the ugly things that are uttered come from inside us and reflect who we are. Most of us are a lot better than that... show your best side when you speak - you do a disservice to yourself if you show anything less. Let go of those things inside you that are not who you really want to be, you are the master of your future... you own it, it's all yours. You write it. You make it. You do it. Blame no one else. Speaking positively all the time (or at least as often as possible) keeps your mind in a positive state, improves your mood, and improves the moods of those around you. There's not really a downside!

c. forgive yourself & forgive others - we are all human, fallible as a consequence of birth. We make mistakes. Sometimes the wrong that we do is intentional and then we regret it later. Carrying guilt around in your heart does you no good, nor does it benefit anyone else. There is no benefit to guilt, not even to one who tries to give it. If you are sorry for a wrong you've done, say you are sorry - not expecting forgiveness, only because you truly are sorry. Apologize and then walk away. If you are forgiven, great! If not, it is irrelevant. Is your apology contingent on it's acceptance? It shouldn't be. You are admitting a mistake, it's up to the other person to accept it or not, and that has nothing to do with you; you did your part, you said you were sorry... let the guilt go and be at peace. Dragging guilt around with you only weighs you down and holds you back. Don't do that to yourself, no one is going to save you from it. You have to let it go... and walk away.

d. laugh often, love much, forgive always (even if you don't forget - these are two totally different things) and choose to make some of your dreams happen, even if they are just little ones.


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