
Showing posts from September, 2020

Welcome to the Shit Show!

 I'm trying not to breaking one of my hard and fast rules - do not  talk politics or religion .  But for the love of all things holy, I cannot not   comment on the total shit show of last nights presidential debate.     America, we're screwed!     I want the chance to write in a candidate.  I think anyone would be a better option than the two we have right now.  UGGGHHHH!   I'm soooooo tired of the bickering . right vs. left.  I'm tired of the media, I'm tired of black lives matter (ALL LIVES MATTER, shit heads!), cop kiilings, riots and the disrespect and downright hatred  of the flag, of our Country!   I'm scared for everyone concerned.  I feel  the anger, the despair, the lack of consideration and respect - not only for the country -but for humanity .   I heard Savanna Guthrie , NBC Today Show, say that Social Media was the cesspool of society."   I couldn't have said it bet...

Lunchtime Musings 09/28/2020

Lunchtime musings of a working superwoman: 1) everyone is in too much of a hurry 2) my lunch wasn't that appetizing 3)  I like Thursdays 4) be passionate about something, but dont assume that everyone is passionate about Your passion 5) that said, health of mind and body is my passion! 😎 6) I cant wait to get spooky! 7) have I mentioned I love Journey? And Yoga? And....🤣 8) R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  give it, receive it! 9) my one postive thing about me that I like today is eyes. 10) Smile, its the positive thing I like about YOU 😉


Have you ever been presented with a set of circumstances...a conversation or a sight...that makes you go "hmmmm".  AND then the mind is off and running? A 100 different scenarios or speculations as to what you heard or saw could mean? I'm the queen bee of letting myself get "inside my head".  I can spin a whole conversation in my head...speculate...and come up with generally a doomsday outlook.  I work myself in to an anxiety attack the size of Texas.  WHY?  Why do I do that to myself.  When all I need to do is have an honest, open conversation about what I heard/saw.  Surely I can't be alone in this tendency to downward spiral. Am I? Is it human nature to immediately go to the dark side?  Is communication sooo scary that we'd rather slide in to darkness than to talk? To say I had the mother of anxiety attacks this weekend would be an understatement.   I worked through it the best I could with the help of a trusted friend, yo...

Message to My Friend!

You know who you are.  Yes, you...the one struggling through life right now.  You've been so strong for everyone else for too long.   Now it's time to lean on others for a while.   Let me carry your burdens.   Let me be there to walk with you through the darkness just as I have done through the light. Let me be your strength when you feel weak. Let me be the calm in your storm. Let me be there to remind you...that through all things...I will never leave your side.

Musings of a Working Superwoman

Lunchtime musings of a working superwoman #1 when in doubt, call in sick.  Otherwise you spend all day thinking about how you shouldve called in sick. #2 there is a fine line between being sick, feeling sick and not sick enough (when determining #1). #3 when you're gone from being sick, fellow employees or supervisors want the details so They can determine just how sick They think you are/were (the ole "I wouldnt have called in sick for that!" judgement. #4 work ethics plays a huge part of #1...."I wasn't 'sick enough to go/stay home'.  #5 please, and for the love of God...if you're shitting, puking, have body aches, coughing or have a fever...GO HOME!'re 'sick enough' in my book...screw the work ethics! #6 Ever heard of Kleenex and hand sanitizers? #7 some ailments cant be seen....but pain can be felt in the body/mind.  Just because you're not shitting, puking, don't have body aches, a fever and you're not d...

2018 Post-Vacation Thoughts

I've spared you all with daily vacation thought I'd give your newsfeed a little update of Vacation Observations of a Working Superwoman, Day 7.  1) I have accomplished absolutely nothing on my To-Do list. 2) I really don't care.  3) Don't go grocery shopping at 10 am in the morning and expect to get in/out fast...those retired people have their own timeline as they block aisles. 4) Im kinda digging wearing stretchy pants for a week.  5) wearing real clothes next week is gonna suck 6) I havent watched Bold and the Beautiful for like 25 years...but yesterday I tuned in over lunch and was pleased to know that Brooke and Ridge are STILL stupid. 7)           why does September feel like New Years and I feel the need to make new resolutions or goals?  8) Nothing says accomplishment like cleaning the food trap on the dishwasher 9) Two things about eating sweetcorn...have toothpics handy and stay close to a bathroom 10) As much ...

Pre-Labor Day Thoughts.

From time to time over lunch breaks, I think. .and I post them on Facebook.  They pop up in my memory feeds.  Some are fluff, some definitely have a message.  This was a post on 09/02/2018.  I wonder who yanked my chain that day?!  Lol.   *Long Post Alert* Pre Labor Day Musings (inspired by a glass or two of wine by the fire)of a Working Superwoman: 1.  Most people show up to work and do their job, responsibly, and expect nothing but an honest day's pay for an honest day's work.  There are some that show up for the paychecks and benefits and forget the job duty thing.  It's not fair.  Never was, never will be.  Life isn't fair.  Do your best job, put your best foot forward.  Take pride in your work.  The rest will work itself out. 2.There are some jobs I'm not cut out to do, so I REALLY appreciate those who do them, and do them well.  3. Those in the Armed forces are not paid enough or appreciated enough!...

September - the New New Year ?

 I know that New Years Eve and New Years Day are the traditional days to make a plan for fresh beginnings and resolutions.  I've always looked at September as the New, New Year.    It seems like the perfect time to downshift a bit after the craziness of the summer.   I  love the long days, sunshine, hot weather and everything that entails.....outside patio time, flowers, nights by the firepit, gathering with family and friends, flip flops, tank tops and just everything summer.  But as happy as I am to experience everything that summer represents to me, I'm equally as happy to see Autumn arrive. The shorter days allow me to downshift and breathe.  I'm admittedly guilty of living life to the nth degree; I'm a participant and not an observer.   As darkness and cooler weather arrive, I relish the slower pace of life.   September always holds a magical essence for me; it's been an unofficial time of renewal in my life.  Pe...