Welcome to the Shit Show!
I'm trying not to breaking one of my hard and fast rules - do not talk politics or religion . But for the love of all things holy, I cannot not comment on the total shit show of last nights presidential debate. America, we're screwed! I want the chance to write in a candidate. I think anyone would be a better option than the two we have right now. UGGGHHHH! I'm soooooo tired of the bickering . right vs. left. I'm tired of the media, I'm tired of black lives matter (ALL LIVES MATTER, shit heads!), cop kiilings, riots and the disrespect and downright hatred of the flag, of our Country! I'm scared for everyone concerned. I feel the anger, the despair, the lack of consideration and respect - not only for the country -but for humanity . I heard Savanna Guthrie , NBC Today Show, say that Social Media was the cesspool of society." I couldn't have said it bet...