
Showing posts from 2018


  These are my new fuzzy socks, aren't they wonderful?  I've grown quite fond of fuzzy socks, they make my feet feel so cozy in the winter time.  We have hardwood and tile floors in the house, and sometimes they're not so warm.   They were given to me by my work Secret Santa...obviously they know me!  LOL   I've always had a Can Do attitude and Believe that nothing or no one can stop me....except me.  I have Girl Power, I am Strong, I am Confident, I AM Powerful! With the Christmas holiday in full force, it's always good to remember the Christmas rules.   I saw this on Facebook and couldn't help but save and repost it here.  My perso!  nal favorite....#3.  I've been doing really good on my eating....obviously as there are still baked goods still chilling out in that garage.  However, I'm on my 2nd batch of chocolate chip cookies because somebody (named Tom) ate the first 6 dozen in a week and a half!...

Love Can Be Found in the Kitchen

This is my mother's recipe box.  It's filled with love - all the recipes that she accumulated in her life time.  Her treasured "go to" recipes for the delicious meals and morsels of goodness that she placed on the supper table  every day, every week, month and year.   As I read them, I smiled.   They're in my mother's handwriting....a lasting memory of her...Bernice.   You could tell the ones that were her favorite for they are the most worn and stained.  I knew these dishes for I ate them often; the hamburger hot dish (top L) was a weekly staple at our house.  To this day it is a favorite of mine, although assuredly it does not taste "like Mom's".   The molasses crinkles were cookies that Mom made only around the holidays; they were Dad's favorites, and my  Grandmother Jongewaard's too.  I never much cared for them as a child, but I'd give anything for a batch of Mom's right now.   I pu...

Christmas Baking 101

I scoured my mother's recipes, sorted through some of my own, scrolled through Pinterest and came up with the winning list of tasty treats that  were going to grace my holiday baking list. It was an ambitious list.  My sister Peggy's chocolate chip cookies (with pudding in the mix), cinnamon candied pecans, caramel puff corn, peanut butter blossoms, double chewy bars (new), salted chocolate pretzel bark (new), and peanut butter delight bars (new), praline Chex mix (new). Rules to successful Christmas Baking   don't be ambitious with the list. when trying new recipes for the first time, do not multitask and make two at the same time.  Invariably you'll forget an ingredient one recipe or double up on an ingredient in the other. remember to set the timer and make sure the temperature on the oven matches the one listed in the recipe.   measure the ingredients correctly.  Don't mistake 1 tsp for 1 tablespoon, or vice versa. Baking powder is no...

Weekend Update

So here I sit, in my recliner, watching Hallmark Christmas movies.   I've never been one to watch these types of movies;  I always found them sappy and predictable.  But it seems that I've grown quite found of them last year and have continued this year.   The world is full of strife and trials....if you can find a little bit of uplifting joy, you take it.   Once again, I was involved in building the JRCC float for the Holiday Dazzle Parade, which was held Friday night.   It was slow going this year with minimal help, but we pulled it together in the 11th hour and somehow managed to win an award, Outstanding Amateur Built.   This is the 5th year we've managed to pull off a win.  The weather cooperated with us as we walked the parade route as it was a balmy 25 degrees.  It was definitely a great time and we're already making plans for next years float. Today I cleaned a bit, went to the gym, put a big crockpot of venison stew on to co...

A Time for Gratitude

Today is Thanksgiving.  In truth, this is my favorite holiday.  Some of my fondest memories are of this holiday. From  Mom cooking in the kitchen (the smells, the sounds, the warmth and coziness of the house), my sisters and brothers coming home to the feast, dad carving the turkey and cutting in the pumpkin pie and getting scolded by Mom.  The laughter, smiles and hugs....Family. It's such a wonderful time for families to come together and count their blessings. This is quiet Thanksgiving for T and I this year; it's just the two of us.  We had a slight difference of opinion on the turkey.  I bought a turkey breast for us to enjoy, but T wanted dark meat so he went and found a 6 lb turkey for us to enjoy.   He told me had the pumpkin pie covered too.  Cool!  I thought he ordered it from Perkins. Nope.  He had told his friend Mike to have his wife bake us a pumpkin pie in exchange for T giving Mike a box of shotgun shells. ...

I'm Still Standing!

Hello Blog Stalkers!    Can you believe it?  It's been three months since my last blog post!  That can only mean one of two things.....I either fell of the face of the earth OR I was busy living life this summer.   Since I'm writing this post, it must mean that the later is the winner. I know I did a lot of things this summer but as I'm writing this, I cannot remember every single thing that I've done.   I do know that I spent a lot of time in my back yard this summer.  I planted a lot of flowers and found great joy in taking care of them and enjoying them every evening and weekend.  I never thought I'd be a flower gardener, but my mother lives on in me.   They're coming to the end of their life however, and I'll be dismantling the pots within the next couple of weeks.  T bought me a propane outdoor fireplace around the 4th of July, so many of the summer Saturday nights were spent outside, toes cozied up to the fire, drinkin...

Father's Day 2018

What a beautifully relaxing day today.  I slept in for a change, enjoyed some coffee then struck out for the gym and had a  fabulous cardio workout.  It was very much needed.   Since closing my studio a month ago, I've managed to gain 4 lbs.  I'm not a vain person at all, but with the history of diabetes and heart disease in my family, I do try and keep on top of my health.  It is quite easy for 4 lbs to turn in to 10 rather quickly. Laundry and grocery shopping were on the agenda today.  Oh, and I watched a movie (thriller), Shut In, with Naomi Watts.  It was quite good and held me spellbound between trips downstairs to the laundry room.   As you can guess, we don't have children so there was no Father's Day celebration in our home.   But that didn't stop me from remembering my own father.  He's forever in my heart and on my mind.   I feel his presence with me each and every moment of my life.  I'm forever grateful fo...

Soul Therapy

I went on a 15 mile bike ride this morning. Although it was extremely windy, I pushed through it (and the gears) and had a good ride.  It's always good to ride - a way to clear my head - or as I call it, soul therapy. I can't say that I accomplished much this weekend, which is probably alright.  I find it difficult to give myself permission to chill out and enjoy some down time.   Other than bike riding, I went to the flower shop and bought some more flowers, which I needed like a hole in the head.  But they are ohhh, soooo pretty.  I definitely take after my mother as she loved gardening.   She planted a large vegetable garden and enjoyed fresh eating as well as canning produce in the fall.   She always saw that her family's needs were met and she loved providing fresh produce for our table.   Now flowers, that was her joy; she would tend them morning, noon and night.  And I find myself doing the same.   There is something so uplift...

Exhausting WeekEnd

It's Day 3 of a 4 day holiday weekend and I'm mentally and physically exhausted.    Either Tom, myself or both of us have attended 4  funerals and 1 graduation in the last 72 hours.  I'm funeral'd out, to say the least. Friday and Saturday were not very productive days other than funerals. T and I did the yearly trek down to Ypsilanti to spruce up the graves of my paternal grandparents, Aunt Nanny and Uncle Jr  There wasn't much to do so the main event was having burgers and beers at the Ypsilanti bar.  It was a good time, as always.  This year my sister Peggy couldn't be with us.  My brother Ron, surprised us girls with a memory bear made from clothing of his late wife, Pearl.   He said, "you know, she kind liked you girls.  She was closer to all of you than she was to her own sisters."   I cried.   What a treasure!!   And it will be treasured with all my heart.  Today started out a rainy day so I g...

And another thing....

I admit it....I can be rather slow when it comes to quick witted retorts to the workplace smart ass.   Hard to believe, but it's true. I'm also the last one to get the joke...the last one to laugh and often the one getting laughed at. But the joke is on everyone else.  Because those of us who come late to the party are actually planning the slow, untimely demise of everyone around us.  We're having heated, verbal arguments with everyone...granted, they're in our head...but we're having them....all the while hurling daggers and brandishing insults about like Hulk Hogan throwing his opponent over the ropes.  Take THAT! So, while the cat may have our tongue, rest assured we have an arsenal of word weaponry at our disposal....the minute you walk away!  Lol :)

Living Life

I'm one week away from closing down my studio.   I'm going to be sad the day of my last class, and I'll miss all the wonderful people that I've met along the way, but I'm so freaking excited for the extra time that I will have on my plate to Live Life. I did pick up one extra class at Anytime Fitness on Monday nights - I'll be teaching Pilates at 5:30pm.  But It's ok, because I planned on making Monday nights my extra gym night.   I've also made the decision to make a goal of riding 500 miles starting May 1st to the end of September.   I know, it's a pretty lofty goal, but one I'm willing to try and tackle.  I think I have it figured out that it'll be 22.5 miles per week.  Now, if I can get the weather to cooperate, I'll hopefully be on attain my goal.  If I don't, well - there's always next year. And of course, I'm looking forward to being out in the sun, drinking wine on my back patio, reading a book, and just enjoying...


What the heck, people!  When did we get so judgmental of everyone?  We are SO quick to judge and quick to determine that a person is "good" or "bad" based off of today's idiotic set of standards. You cannot...and SHOULD not judge a book by it's cover.  Open it up, read the story, get to know the characters.  Then, maybe if you have an understanding, form an opinion.   I freaking guarantee that your original judgment may be off base. And if you think you're so almighty high and proper...guess again.  Someone right now is forming an opinion about you.  Kinda sobering, isn't know that you are being judged with an equally critical eye. So think before you judge....the person you deem unworthy may be looking at you the same way! #nobodysperfect


We are, if we are very lucky in life, to have a group of people with whom we have forged tight bonds and friendships.    These bonds - connections - are forged through shared experiences, similarities, and affection.  Trust is earned, and these people have earned our trust.   They know your dirt - and they still like you.   We are fortunate to have these people as support systems, to help us navigate through the mine field of life.  We call upon them in troubling times to listen, offer advice, to laugh with or to shoot straight from the hip with the "what were you thinking!".    Those of us fortunate enough to have such people in our life, cannot fathom life without them.    I have many acquaintances in life, but a very VERY tight circle of friends with whom I have this trust, connection.    They are my tribe.   Each has a significant role in my life; each brings with them their own particular stren...

Little Trips

T and I had the most marvelous time in Minneapolis....Owatana...this weekend.   Thanks to an understanding and gracious supervisor, I was able to take the entire day (Friday) off from work so that we could leave a bit earlier and make the trek.   The roads were a bit frightful for the first 30 miles, but after that they were fine.   Of course, the brutal cold and the wind were another thing.   Despite that, we had a great time.    We've been going to the Gopher  State Archeological Society's annual show for the last 15 years or so.  It had been a  time to get away from the farm for at least 24 hours (when we were ranching/farming) and to show off part of T's collection of artifacts.   It was probably our only time away from the farm.   He looks forward to it every year - and so do I.  We've met so many wonderful people through the years; there's always a comradery amongst collectors and like-minded people.  ...

New Goal

I should be further along in my my health/fitness goals than I am.  I keep seeing the scale yo-yo between five pounds lost/gained.   In truth, I'm not as concerned about the scale as I am my over all health and fitness.  I can blame a host of things - like weather, depression, schedule, age - but it all boils down to determination, willpower and the desire to stay healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. So, now that I made the declaration yesterday (on my Instagram account), what am I going to do to achieve my goals?) Well, it all starts with a plan, right?   Here's mine. Food Portion Control More vegetables/limited fruits Less processed (white sugar, white flour) foods More protein, fish, nuts, legumes Exercise Trainer 2x per week Weekend workouts (Sat, Sun) After May 19th (when yoga ends), add in 1 or 2 fitness classes at the gym  Cycling. - lots and lots of cycling Mind/Soul  Believe everything happens for a reaso...


I'm getting a little tired of this snow.    We received another 6 inches of the white stuff last night and there is more predicted for Monday night in to Tuesday.   It certainly isn't the weather that shouts Spring, let alone Easter.   T, always a rancher at heart, was feeling sorry for all the cattle ranchers out there who are calving at this time of year.  For many, many year he was one of them.   I can remember many Easter's where I ate alone because he had to go tend to a calving case.  I don't know how he (and his brother Bill) did it for as long as they did; I'm just glad that they no longer have to. Yesterday we helped my niece Karen, and husband Dave, load up a U-Haul with furniture and other items from their mother's house to take back to their new home in Minneapolis.   It was a mad rush to get everything loaded so they could get on the road and beat the storm.    We did it, with a couple of hours to spare on this end,...


I'm sitting here, on March 25th - what would've been my mother's 98th birthday.  I miss her terribly and wish I could sit and talk with her.  To ask her if she loved the life she chose,  what her deepest fears were and if she had any advice. I wrote a few months ago that I wished that I had taken more time to listen to her, spent more time with her and to have taken every opportunity to absorb who she was.   Now, I live on the memories and try to understand the mother that she was, to relive the good times with her.  Every girl, woman, needs her mother....and there are so many times that I wish I had mine.  I am getting all kinds of questions on why I abruptly announced that I was closing down my studio.  Of course, there are speculations such as I'm sick, I have cancer, my husband is sick, we're getting a divorce, I'm moving ....and my personal favorite, I'm pregnant. (I'm not).   I've made no secret that I'm not a religious person,...

The Book

My great nephew, Hayden T. Schulz, started a school project called My Journey Journal.  In it he tells a little bit about himself, then asks for those on the list (which includes his grandfather, his aunt, and his great aunts and uncles), to do the same. This book has been traveling though my family since around Christmas.   Last week Thursday I sent a text message to two of my siblings, Peggy and Terry, asking them who had the book.   I was informed was just sent with Terry. Now, I know my family.  The fact that this book has been floating around my family since Christmas tells me that I'm in a family of procrastinators.  :)   Anyways,  after a little coaxing to my brother, I received the book yesterday and finished it this afternoon. Hayden, being 9 years of age, is quite the deep thinker (according to my brother Ron), a bit of a wise cracker too.    As I read through each of my siblings' writings, I saw that they wrote of ...

The Next Step

I just finished my 8th annual, and last, yoga retreat at the Lakeview Meadow Cabins here in Jamestown.  Thirteen beautiful souls attended my retreat this year.   We had a great time of yoga, food, drink, laughter, and plenty of tears. I've been doing yoga for 16 years, and teaching for 12 years.   I've thoroughly enjoyed teaching all of those 12 years, helping students begin their own yoga path.  I'd like to think that I was the inspiration for two of them to move forward in their yoga path and become teachers.    But with every beginning, there is an ending...and a new beginning.   It was with a heavy heart that I made the announcement to the retreat attendees yesterday that Saturday May 19th would be my last class in my studio.   I could not hold back the emotion and the tears flowed.   My heart was sad.  I've built my business organically and through word of mouth.  I've taught two c...


Today was the day my mom passed away, 24 years ago. I didnt wake up thinking about it.  But as I sat at my desk working, remembering eyes welled up with tears. I miss her.  There have been so many times when I'd give anything to sit down and talk with ask her questions, get her advice, listen to her laugh or just see her crinkle up her nose just one more time. The last years of her life, those without dad, were such lonely years for her.  I tried to spend as much time as I could with her.  But as I think back on it, I wished I had spent more time visiting, called more , listened more .  I didn't get enough time with her.    So tonight, as I write this with tears rolling down my cheeks, I treasure the memories all that much more.  They say time heals the pain of loss.  They are wrong. I love you and miss you very much, mom!

Star Date January 15, 2018

This is my first post for 2018.  We're already 15 days in to the New Year and half-way through January already.    I have not, nor will I, make any New Years resolutions other than my standard anthem for each and every day; Be a better version of myself each day, to look well to each day and to live in kindness and with love in my heart.  Some days I succeed at all, some days one or two, some days none....for I am always a work in progress - I'm human. So, what has been going on in my life?   Work continues to be busy as we're short staffed due to a co-worker/friend's ongoing health event.   My heart aches for her as she made the difficult decision to retire at the end of February and go on medical disability.  We've advertised her job, which will be temporary for February then move in to full-time March 1st.  At this point, I am unsure if Marlane will be able to come in to train the new person or not.  That is the le...