Sunday, September 16, 2018

I'm Still Standing!

Hello Blog Stalkers!   

Can you believe it?  It's been three months since my last blog post!  That can only mean one of two things.....I either fell of the face of the earth OR I was busy living life this summer.   Since I'm writing this post, it must mean that the later is the winner.

I know I did a lot of things this summer but as I'm writing this, I cannot remember every single thing that I've done.  

I do know that I spent a lot of time in my back yard this summer.  I planted a lot of flowers and found great joy in taking care of them and enjoying them every evening and weekend.  I never thought I'd be a flower gardener, but my mother lives on in me.   They're coming to the end of their life however, and I'll be dismantling the pots within the next couple of weeks.  T bought me a propane outdoor fireplace around the 4th of July, so many of the summer Saturday nights were spent outside, toes cozied up to the fire, drinking wine and fighting off the mosquitoes!

Probably one of the biggest highlights of my summer was meeting my new grand niece, Iris Grace Larson.she came to Jamestown, along with her parents, for her baptism and a meet-and greet with family and friends.   I knew I loved her when she was born, but I absolutely fell in love with her when I held her in my arms for the first time.  She's so mild-mannered, observant and trusting....dare I say, an old soul.   She was passed from person to person and didn't so much as whimper.  She'd simply look up to see her then go back to occupying her time with the fingers or toes.   That little girl will be the granddaughter I won't have of my own.   So, to Joan and my sister Peggy...thank you for sharing her with me!

Another highlight of the summer was taking in a Journey concert with my nephew Blaine, his girlfriend Erika and my friend, Donna.   We had a most fabulous time and there will be NOTHING that will ever compare to sitting alongside Blaine, belting out Don't Stop Believing!  My heart was full in that moment!

I'd like to say that I spent a lot of time on my bike, making those miles towards my 500 mile goal.   Sadly, I fell off the bike - figuratively.  I'm not sure what happened.   Life?   There was a lot of it being lived...and I'm afraid that I fell 200 miles short of my goal.  I gave myself to the end of October, so there is still time.  However, with the nights getting longer, I don't perceive a lot of riding after work.  It is what it is.  I still road more than most people, and I'm content with that.  There is always next year!

T and I took a vacation this year.  We went to East Glacier Park, Montana the last week of August.  Four years ago I fell in love with the Grand Tetons and Jackson, WY.   The minute I saw the majestic mountains of EGP, the Tetons paled in comparison.  We spent 4 awesome days exploring and taking lake boat rides.   I would have loved to have spent more time and gone to the West side, but due to the wild fires raging in that area, it was closed off to the public.  Next time.

I'm renewed my efforts at the gym and joined a 3 month strength challenge (i.e. weight lifting).  One week down and 11 more to go.  However, I fear that I may need to bow out of the challenge due to a left shoulder injury.   I have no clue what I did, but about a month ago it was so painful that I went to the walking clinic.  The doctor diagnosed bicep tendonopathy and prescribed stretches, ice/heat and anti-inflammatory.  It hasn't gotten better, so I start physical therapy on Wednesday.   My massage therapist says that I'm also developing frozen-shoulder, much to my dismay.  It takes a lot to knock me down, so I'm NOT going to let this hold me back.  I still exercise but modify for my shoulder if it gets too painful.   I'll fight through it, just like I do everything else in life.  

September 9th I turned 56 years old.   T gave me flowers on Saturday and my sister invited T and I up for supper on Sunday (my birthday), along with my brother Terry and his wife (his birthday was on Saturday).   It was a great day.  As you already know, I refuse to let age define me.  I'm still living life on my terms...bum shoulder and all!  :) work.  I have 10 years before I can retire.  LOL   While I'm grateful for the job, and I love what I do, I will not let work be all consuming.   I put in a honest day's work for an honest day's pay.  Do I agree with everything that is happening with the DOCR?  No, I do not.  But it is my job to work with the changes being implemented.  I hold my own beliefs and share them with those that I absolutely trust.  

As Autumn is making itself known with shorter days and longer nights, I can't say that I'm sad.  While I don't like the next season (winter), I am enjoying the sense of "downshifting" and giving myself permission to be in my recliner, in sweatpants, chilling.    I am making a list of projects that I want to achieve in the house this winter.  If I get to them, great...if not, I'm not going to be distressed.  I'll get to them eventually.  

For now, I'm living life on my times....with hubs, great family and close friends.  Nothing else matters.

Until next time...



Rob said...

Well, well, well she IS still alive (I was starting to wonder - lol)

Nice to see that you've been having a great summer so far, Sherry, although fall is just around the corner and your (ahem..) bike riding challenge hasn't exactly been fulfilled yet (but yer forgiven).

Getting frozen shoulder is definitely no fun. My wife had though a number of years ago. Physical therapy was recommended back then - BIG MISTAKE! as it only made it very much worse. Her only effective remedy - getting a cortisone shot. You might wish to reconsider the exercise option and go this route.

My wife and I have been busy also this summer at our neighbourhood senior's club where she does volunteer work and I handle all their IT support. Of course we also participate in lots of events and activities. My wife just got back yesterday from winning $$$ at the slots in Seneca New York. Sadly she got taxed on her winnings. Here in Canada such ill-gotten gains from lotteries and gambling is tax free!

Anyhoo, nice to see you back here in blogland. Keep smiling.

Sherry said...

Rob, Glad to hear that you and your wife are also doing well and have enjoyed your summer. It's hard to believe that we are now officially in to Autumn and the final months of 2018. Time goes too fast, but that means we're busy living life. :)

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...