These are my new fuzzy socks, aren't they wonderful? I've grown quite fond of fuzzy socks, they make my feet feel so cozy in the winter time. We have hardwood and tile floors in the house, and sometimes they're not so warm. They were given to me by my work Secret Santa...obviously they know me! LOL I've always had a Can Do attitude and Believe that nothing or no one can stop me....except me. I have Girl Power, I am Strong, I am Confident, I AM Powerful!
With the Christmas holiday in full force, it's always good to remember the Christmas rules. I saw this on Facebook and couldn't help but save and repost it here. My perso! nal favorite....#3. I've been doing really good on my eating....obviously as there are still baked goods still chilling out in that garage. However, I'm on my 2nd batch of chocolate chip cookies because somebody (named Tom) ate the first 6 dozen in a week and a half! We had a discussion and he assured me that he would leave this 2nd batch alone.
It' OK though. He deserves a few extra cookies. He had some excitement last Monday. He walked in on burglers at the farm house. Without going in to a lot of details, T was incredibly lucky that he was not harmed in any way. My heart went to my toes when he called me and told me the news. The culprits were caught largely due to T and his insane heroics! (He chased them down, with the aid of a neighbor).
I had friends over on Saturday for some drinks, good food, conversation and friendship. I'm incredibly lucky to have great friends in my circle. After the holidays I want to do something more for a wider circle of friends...maybe an open house of some type. Maybe for Valentines? I want to celebrate women, our strength, and our sisterhood.
Soooo, getting back to #3. I have 5 days to eat and excercise "good"....cuz come the 21st - 25th, all bets are off! lol