And another thing....
I admit it....I can be rather slow when it comes to quick witted retorts to the workplace smart ass. Hard to believe, but it's true. I'm also the last one to get the joke...the last one to laugh and often the one getting laughed at.
But the joke is on everyone else. Because those of us who come late to the party are actually planning the slow, untimely demise of everyone around us. We're having heated, verbal arguments with everyone...granted, they're in our head...but we're having them....all the while hurling daggers and brandishing insults about like Hulk Hogan throwing his opponent over the ropes. Take THAT!
So, while the cat may have our tongue, rest assured we have an arsenal of word weaponry at our disposal....the minute you walk away! Lol :)
I tend to not bother too much about the ramblings of other "villiage idiots" around me at times. If I do bother to comment I might say something like:
"... and for your next joke?"