New Goal

I should be further along in my my health/fitness goals than I am.  I keep seeing the scale yo-yo between five pounds lost/gained.   In truth, I'm not as concerned about the scale as I am my over all health and fitness. 

I can blame a host of things - like weather, depression, schedule, age - but it all boils down to determination, willpower and the desire to stay healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.

So, now that I made the declaration yesterday (on my Instagram account), what am I going to do to achieve my goals?)

Well, it all starts with a plan, right?   Here's mine.

  1. Portion Control
  2. More vegetables/limited fruits
  3. Less processed (white sugar, white flour) foods
  4. More protein, fish, nuts, legumes

  1. Trainer 2x per week
  2. Weekend workouts (Sat, Sun)
  3. After May 19th (when yoga ends), add in 1 or 2 fitness classes at the gym 
  4. Cycling. - lots and lots of cycling

  1.  Believe everything happens for a reason and is life is as it should be in the moment
  2. Work is a job, it isn't my life.
  3.  Enjoy life, stress less.
  4.  Smile, laugh, dance, sing
  5.  Live the best me that I can be every day.  
  6.  Be true to me

Pretty tall list, huh?   Achievable 100% every day?  Absolutely not.  I'm not perfect, and never will be.  I'm smart enough to know that my plan is always just that...a plan.  Some days I will succeed, somedays I will not,

The key is to Never, Never, Ever Quit.


Rob said…
Years ago, when I was laid off work and unemployed for 7 months before finally finding a new job, to keep my spirits up (and try to stay optimistic), I would often gaze at a cartoon picture. A large angry ugly bird was trying to swallow a frog. With only his legs sticking out of the bird's long beak, the frog had a very tight grip on the bird's long throat. The cartoon's caption: "Don't ever give up!"
Sherry said…
You are So VERY right, Rob...Don't Ever Give Up! PS: Thanks for continuing to read my blog. It's nice to know that someone is out there :)
Rob said…
With your blog in my Feedly RSS Feeder, you're always in my blog reading sights, Sherry! :-)
Hope you're having a great weekend.

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