Sign of Disrespect

Those of you know me well, know that I like to be on time, preferably early whenever possible.  I make no secret of that.

I consider it to be "stealing" time from the other person when I am late for a meeting, event, etc.  In my mind, it shows the other people, "You are unimportant to me" or "My time is worth more than yours."  It, to me, is a sign of disrespect.

I work with an individual who is a very type A person.  It's all about her/him..  Most times I can handle them because I know what they're about. 

But today got to me.

This person scheduled an appointment/meeting at a set time with another individual.  Type A person was notified three ...count it...THREE... times that their meeting individual had arrived. 

First it was "I'm on my way," followed by, "I'll be there in 5 minutes," ending with, "Ask if I can reschedule."

 By this time it's 25 minutes past the scheduled/arranged meeting time. 

Type A individual did finally arrive full of apologies and explanations to the person who had been waiting.

But I ask you....  if you were the one waiting for 25 minutes, what would your impression of Type A be?  How would you feel? 

Yeah, I thought so.   Me too.

I would've walked out after 10 minutes.


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