Sunday, January 20, 2013


I'm an amazing cook...when I have the time.  

I learned from my mother at a very early age.  She used to let me help her cook dinner and bake.  I liked the cooking, but not the baking.

There are four girls in the family.  My oldest sister and I were talking on New Years day that neither one of us like to bake.....that's for Peggy and Judy.  They're phenomenal at it.  Judy makes her own bread from scratch and has for years.  Peggy does awesome with candies and cookies and stuff like that.


I'm good with all the good old fashioned dishes that include meat and potatoes.  You know the ones, cabbage rolls, Swiss steak, chicken and dumplings, creamed cabbage, mashed potatoes, green beans fried in bacon grease (REAL healthy food there!).

I love to make this stuff but don't get a lot of time to do it during the week because I don't get home most nights until 8:00 0r 8:30.

So this weekend I made: (not all in the same meal)
beer battered fish fillets
hash browns loaded with vegetables (onions and green peppers)
steamed cauliflower. 
stuffed cabbage rolls (rice, onions, beef, eggs)
mashed potatoes (with cottage cheese)

I have yoga tomorrow night, so I prepped Swiss steak and got it ready for hubs to put in the crockpot tomorrow at noon. 

I know my way around a kitchen, just don't get in there as much as I'd like - or should.

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