The Start of the Second Part

I turned 50 today.  I don't feel 50, and certainly hope I don't look 50. 

The days leading up to my birthday have been filled with a lot of reflection and wonder.  I look back on my life and ask myself "has it been good?"  and "could it have been better?"

I ask the questions and think, "if not, what would I have changed." 

Can't say that I would have done any "do overs" per se.. everything I've done has led me right up to this point.  And while I won't say my life is as I had imagined it back when I was a young, naive 18 year life isn't bad either.  In fact, it's good.   I have my health (although with a few more aches and pains), I have fabulous family and relatives, my husband is a great man, my friends are awesome! (you know who you are!),  my job keeps me busy (and pays the bills) and teaching yoga keeps me inspired.

While some are quick to say that 50 is the start of everything going downhill, I prefer to think of it as the start to the second part of my book. 

You see, books come in parts.

The beginning  is where all the characters established, timeline is established and the plot begins to be revealed.

The second part is the meat of the book.  It's where the action happens, all the good stuff takes place; the living happens, the plot is in full swing - be it good, bad, or the ugly. 

The third part is the ending.  That's where it all comes together and it all makes sense, and the reader determines if it was a good book, a great book, or classic that will be remembered through the years.

Turning 50 is the start of my second part.  I'm still in the living phase, the plot is in full swing, the characters are having a blast and life is happening at break neck speed.  ..

How it will end is still a mystery, even to me - it's main character. 

I'm still writing each chapter, one day at a time.


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