Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day #2

So I wake up after sleeping in - which, by the way, is 6:30ish.  I grab myself a cup of coffee and contemplate my day.  I know I'm going to complete a project today, I just need to decide which one. 

You see, I have this method.  Call it quirky, call it odd, call it whatever you may like...but it works for me.

I think about the projects.  Each one has a specified timeline associated with it.  You know... cleaning the hallway closet should, in theory, take me 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time.  The key there is "uninterrupted."

I'm a procrastinating perfectionist (browse blog for said definition).  In order for me to tackle a project, the hallway closet....I need to have that 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time.   If I don't think that I can start (and finish) it in that time frame, I move on to another project (and determine it's timeline of completion) or don't do it at all.

Got it?  Capiche`?  With me so far? 

Ok, so as I was saying....I was all set to do the hallway closet this morning.  I can start it at 8 and fnish it by 11, just in time to start preparing lunch for the hubster.   (remind me to blog later about cooking on vacation).

I'm just about ready to get to it (after just one more cup of coffee), when hubster calls.   "Will 10 0'Clock work for you?"   Huh?    Ohhhh yes, the tire appointment that should have happened yesterday but hubster didn't get the tires in to the tire place in order to get them put on.  (He messed with my timeline yesterday too!)

"Noooo.... this afternoon works better...that way I can go from there to yoga." some of you, it's not a big deal.  "Just go get the tires put on at 10 Sherry".  I hear you out there.   But you need to understand.... I had my heart set on doing the hallway closet this morning.  In MY time frame...2-3 hours.   Sticking a tire appointment IN that time frame just messes with my time frame.     I can't start something and leave it unfinished when I leave the house.  It needs to be my time frame. 

Ya, I already know what you're saying.   "Start it and come back and finish it after the tire appointment." 

Are you people not hearing me???!!!    I can't start something and leave it unfinished when I leave the house. It needs to be my time frame.  .

Ya, hubster didn't get it either.

I went to the tire appointment.

Hallway closet isn't getting cleaned.  (I'm out of the mood now - and refers you to the definition of procrastinating perfectionist). 

Bright spot is, hubster bought me lunch at The Depot.   (Refers back to the reminder to blog later about cooking on vacation).

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