Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Tendonitis and IT Band Syndrome.   No surgery required.  Yay!

So, how is it treated?

Ice, ice and more ice. Followed with stretching and topical anti-inflammatory cream. 

But..but..Doc...I teach yoga..I stretch all the time. 

"Apparently not the muscle that needs stretching."  Lol.  Love it!  A Doc with a sense of humor ;)

I can go back to running.  However I'm told that I need to 'back off" when I feel pain.

So my plans are to go out Thursday night and hit the park.   It will be one week since I last ran.  I reworked my training plan to incorporate this injury.  I need to do 1.75 miles or more to stay on plan...body permitting.  

Yes running mentor ..I still plan on Fargo! ;)

Everyone keep your fingers crossed!

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