Monday, September 10, 2012

It was just a day.

So today was my first day back at work after vacation.  I knew I was screwed when I saw the black balloons from the parking lot.  I wanted to turn right around and go home and pretend I had another week of vacation. 

But I sucked it up and went inside.  Yes, it was as bad as I was expecting.  I took pictures on my phone but I, techie guru that I am, am having issues getting from phone on to the blog.  So stay tuned.

Yoga was pushed to tomorrow night, so I went to the gym tonight.  My left knee has been really bothering me when I run.  (Do NOT even go to the "getting old" joke!). 

Running seems to really aggravate it as yesterday morning I went out (yes running mentor, I did the run on my birthday!), but it hurt...alot.  Needless to say I was swallowing Aleve and Tylenol all day and sitting with the ice pack last night.   I made an appointment with the doctor for next Monday - soonest I could get in. 

I don't want to lose my cardio, so I was on the Elliptical cross trainer tonight.  I did 3.2 miles (a 5K).  Leg didn't bother me hardly at all, certainly not like it did while running.  WTF??  Will see how the week progresses and how it goes with my yoga classes on Tuesday and Wednesday night. I need my body for I need to coddle this knee along. 

Other than was just a day. 

Peace Out!

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