Seriously contemplates...
..smashing the heck out of my new printer with a rubber mallot!
Geeeez!! My other printer died. I had it for 7 years and it was a wonderful little printer, it just ran out of ommmmph!
Get a new printer with some bells and whistles, and now my accounting software doesn't want to play nicely with my printer,or vice versa! Of Coursseeeeeeeeeee, it's tax season and I need to get my stuff to my accountant.
I've been working with this dang thing off and one for the last two days and I'm no more ahead today than I was on yesterday.
Geeeez!! My other printer died. I had it for 7 years and it was a wonderful little printer, it just ran out of ommmmph!
Get a new printer with some bells and whistles, and now my accounting software doesn't want to play nicely with my printer,or vice versa! Of Coursseeeeeeeeeee, it's tax season and I need to get my stuff to my accountant.
I've been working with this dang thing off and one for the last two days and I'm no more ahead today than I was on yesterday.