
Showing posts from August, 2008


I hate it! OK - I like when it's all finished and I can look around and see the fruits of my labor....BUT....getting it to that point is a real pain in the ...hmmm...rump! :-) I took a look at my schedule for the next month and figured that I should get a jump start on my fall cleaning whilst I had three days off in a row. So far I have three rooms torn apart and none of them are totally clean! Grrrrrr! It's that procrastinating perfectionist in me. If I could just learn to do a room a week (or even month) and take my time, it wouldn't be so stressful. Nope, not for me. I wait until I'm under the gun - then I go with both guns blazing and exhaust myself! Hmmm, definitely a character flaw! ~L~ Oh well - at least I'm cleaning and doing something. Goes back to my favorite saying - which applies to anything in life really: Diet, exercise, housecleaning, cooking, "Something is better than nothing!" ~LOL~ Have a great day folks! Enjoy the weekend! Namaste!

Congratulations Karen!!!

My niece Karen just defended her thesis at KU and, I'm proud to say that she is now the proud owner of a Masters degree in....hmmm...I believe it's Medicinal Chemistry. Rock on Karen! Note to Karen: I know that the last few months have been busy, stressful and frustrating, but all of your hard work has paid off and now you are on your way to that Ph.D!! Yeah! I'm so proud of you!!!! We're going to celebrate the next time you come home. Love you tons!

A Birthday Party

We are supposed to go to a birthday party for someone who has cancer and was told that the last round of chemo "didn't do any goo". This is awkward for me. I'm not sure how to handle it. I! Better to smile, laugh and celebrate life, than to mourn death.

Dog Update

Hello folks - here is the latest news on little Bella. Dr. Deb called this morning to tell me that she has taken Bella home to foster for a few days. The little dog seems to be doing well but having issues with it's digestive/elimination system. She is getting twice daily medications to help with that. Although she is experiencing some loose/bloody stools, Dr. Deb feels that she'll be fine in a few days. Bella also apparently seems to be well trained - in that she sits, speaks, shakes and rolls over on command. She also is house-broken - she won't mess in her kennel. Dr. Deb says that she is also great with kids and cats....pretty much a perfect dog (which she says is almost unheard of!) ~L~ We also have received news from the local dog catcher (city) that she had reports of a dog roaming loose for three weks on (or around) the highway between town and the oil tanks west of town. I'm thinking that maybe the dog got loose at one of the rest areas? There have no re...

Dog Update

Hey followers of my dog rescue is an update. Buddy is now "Bella" as "he" turns out to be a "she"! Dr. Deb says that she is a 4-yr. old miniature sheltie-cross (with what, I'm not sure). The x-rays revealed that she has no broken bones anywhere, but does have some issues with bruising in the shoulder area. She has been scavenging for food apparently and will be given medicine to clean out her digestive tract. Other than that, the Vet says she is doing well and is very well tempered; she hasn't barked hardly at all since being brought in and she likes to cuddle. If anyone wants to adopt her, she'll be at the Humane Society sometime within the next week or two. I'm going to take a picture of her and post it here on the blog - so be on the lookout. She's a sweetie and needs to go to a loving home!!

My heart was touched this morning.

I had my heart touched this morning by a little dog that was wondering around the farm community the last few days. I saw it last night on my way home - and it ducked in to my brother-in-law's farm. It bothered me - who would let a little dog like that roam the countryside? I saw it this morning just south of my place. I kept on driving - but my heart got the best of me. I had seen him twice - he was still in my area; it was an omen. I was supposed to help this little dog. I called work and said, "I'll be late" and explained why, then turned around to go home to get some food. The dog was in my yard but ran away as soon as I stopped the vehicle. I went in to the house to get some food and the pet carrier then went searching for it. I found it just across the road from the neighbors to the north of me. I was able to walk up to it and throw it some food - but it growled at me. I walked closer and kept talking to it and was able to start petting it. My neighbor Tony drov...

A New Man in My Life

Yes folks - I have a new man in my life. He has the softest skin, the prettiest blue eyes and he smells absolutely Divine! Who is he? you ask? My new man is my great nephew Hayden Thomas! He was born July 8, 2008 to my nephew Brad and his wife Paula. And oh, let me tell you he's is adorable! Here, see for yourself! Yesterday my sister Peg and I traveled to the Capitol City to meet our new great nephew Hayden. He was such a little gentleman - he never cried once! He was being passed around from woman to woman and he never even let out a screech. Brad said he had a talk with his little man in the morning and said, "hey look - you better get some sleep while you can - those women will be all over you in a few hours!" ~chuckle~ We were too! I'm so happy for Brad and Paula - they are obviously over the moon for their little guy! He's gonna be the best dressed lil fella too - man did he make a haul yesterday! ~L~ We shower our own with love, but the gifts are nice too! ...

Take A Stand and Don't Go!

Tomorrow is the release of the movie "Tropic Thunder" starring Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr. and Jack Black. This movie is offensive and hurtful promoting the idea that a "retard" is funny. The R-word is derogatory hate speech that demeans the more than 3% of people around the world who have intellectual disabilities. "Tropic Thunder" use and abuse the R-word, encouraging behavior that continues to demean a portion of our population who already face challenges. There is a nationwide movement and we must work together and Encourage people NOT to see or support the film. SOI is even going so far as encouraging US programs to organize friendly protests outside movie theatres. We need you to make a personal and professional commitment – * Do not go to the movie * Email or talk to at least three of your friends, workers, etc and share this information * Forward the website information below. The website is live. Take a minute to check out! A...

She's One in a Million!

Every once in a while, the fates smile upon you and send you someone to touch your heart and your life. I have a several such people in my life and I am truly blessed to know them. One such person is my friend Donna. Her warmth and her beautiful spirit create sunshine in the world. She cares deeply for those in her life; her empathy for others going through pain or a rough time is such an enduring quality that makes her special. Her smile and easy going demeanor make it a joy to be around her. No one is safe from her particular brand of ribbing! Trust me on this one! The ability to laugh at one self is tough for some people – but not Donna. She just shakes her head, laughs and says, “hey, that’s just who I am.” Donna and I have this unique friendship where we can finish each other’s sentences; and as twisted as her logic and thought patterns are in any given conversation – I understand her! (No small feat let me tell you!) (Hmmmmm, what does that say for me, I wonder?)! ...

Happy Birthday Dad!

Dad, Though you are no longer of this earth, your spirit surrounds me - especially on days that are hard for me. I always feel your presence, your love, your encouragement to go live and to experience. Thank you for always being with me - in my heart, in my memories, and in my life. I love you Dad! Sherry Lee

Happy Anniversary Matt and Joan!

Hard to imagine that three years ago today we were sweating in the church trying to get you laced in to that dress without breaking the lacing! ~L~ I didn't even want to think about what we would do if that happened. Your mom would have had my head! Here is a picture of me with my beautiful Joan. The day was beautiful but no more beautiful than the bride! You've come a long way Joan and I'm so proud of you and Matt. You've really made a beautiful life together. He's grounded and easy going, while you are driven and slightly high-strung (He's the ying - to your yang!) :-0) I'm sorry to hear that he's in Wisconsin at a Language camp. As you said earlier, it's a terrific opportunity for him and since his school (he's a teacher) is paying for it, it was a no-brainer for him to go. At least you celebrated before he left town. (Whisper) Make sure you celebrate when he comes home too! ;-) Quote for the Day: Joy is a net of love by which y...

Had one of those days

You know, Mondays - especially those after a fantabulous weekend - are kind of a let down anyways. Then when you aren't feeling well.... need I say more? I was feeling a little (ok...a LOT) under the weather and decided to go to the walk-in clinic during my lunch hour. Three hours later I'm walking out of the clinic and headed for home cuz I still ain't feelin so hot. The hubster drove in to town to make sure that I was alright to drive home. Without going in to my medical history on the net (cuz that would just be wrong!), I'll just say this... I'm doing fine, and I'm not gonna croak doing a down-dog. (hehehe) Just had a little hitch in my giddyup! :-) I took a nap (perhaps all the excitement of the weekend caught up with this body of mine!)and I'm feeling better. Today all of my California cousins are headed home. Gosh am I gonna miss them! My sister Peg and I went down to my brothers house (where the CA cousins stayed) yesterday and spent the da...

It's All About Family!

Good Morning Everyone, I'm taking a few moments this beautiful Sunday morning to write about my family reunion which took place yesterday. This was a "cousins" reunion in that it was geared towards all of us "first cousins" - descendants of Fred & Blanche's kids - Eddy, Hazel, Lois, Vern, Delores, and Junior. It has been years since we've all gotten together - the last time being 2004 (and even then we weren't all together). Yesterday we had 18 out of 19 - missing David from the Miedema clan. Otherwise we were all there. Particularly wonderful was the fact that the California cousins were here....ALL three of them at the same time!!! I haven't seen my cousin Keith since 1971. I cannot remember the last time I saw his sister Debbie. Truthfully, I couldn't remember even meeting her- as I was pretty small the last time she came to ND. This is a picture of me and Valerie. My cousin Valerie is still so very beautiful, both inside and out. She ...


Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair. 'Want anything while I'm in the kitchen?' he asks. 'Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?' 'Sure.' 'Don't you think you should write it down so you can remember it?' she asks. 'No, I can remember it.' 'Well, I'd like some strawberries on top, too. Maybe you should write it down, so's not to forget it?' He says, 'I can remember that. You want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries.' 'I'd also like whipped cream. I'm certain you'll forget that, write it down?' she asks. Irritated, he says, 'I don't need to write it down, I can remember it! Ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream - I got it, for goodness sake!' Then he toddles into the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, The old man returns from the kitchen and hands his wife a plate of bacon and eggs. She stares at the plate for a moment. 'Where's my toas...