Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Today the sun was out and it actually  got up to 41. The wind was blowing but I didn't mind.  What a wonderful reprieve from the dark, gray days we've been having.

If makes me hopeful that we'll be having a fairly nice spring.  Perhaps even an early one?

That's what gets me smiling.   Warmer weather, and the prospect of being outside more!

The house in town is still a work in progress.  Hopefully by the middle of Feb. we'll be able to clean and start moving stuff in slowly.  I'm tired of hanging in limbo and just want it done already.

It'll be a change for sure, but in some aspects I'm looking forward to it.  I will be in town and able to do more things with my best friends.  And more bike riding time!  (In theory)

Changes are happening all the time.  Some good, some bad.  Some take getting used to, others I try to deal with the best way I know how...which usually involves going to the gym to destress.  It's my coping mechanism.

Oh's melting today....Spring...hurry up!

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